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In the Realm of the Senses
Actors: Tatsuya Fuji, Eiko Matsuda
Director: Nagisa Oshima
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Pan & Scan
Format: Color
Audience Rating: X (Mature Audiences Only)
Running Time: 105 minutes
Studio: Fox Lorber
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2002-07-23

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"Solid Sophmore Debut..."
I am in agreement with my fellow reviewer on this page. I am astonished that this movie isn't yet released on DVD. Coming of age story featuring Larenz Tate as a sheltered, introverted pyromaniac teenager, who's best friend is a doll. During summer of 1977, teenager takes family-trip north to Martha's Vineyard, to visit extended family. Larenz Tate, was a little old for this role, even in 94, but he is convincing enough to pull it off. During this trip Tate's character is faced with several issues, including sex and adulthood. He forges a relationship with a neighboring therapist, who explains that being different is not really that bad. He starts to explore his new found sexuality with a naive vulnerability. He succumbs to the selfish demands of the Jada Pinkett character, Laura, who has her own use for Tate. Joe Morton and Glynn Turman, as always give enjoyable performances. Both characters are memorable, since they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Turman, the staunch conservative, and Morton, the ultra-liberal ex Black Panther, who's views clash with Turman. Contrary to what Spike Lee says, this movie is entertaining and funny!!!!!

"An actors film, based on a true story."
Based on a true story, Nagisa Oshima's 1976 film about possession, sexual obsession and love, is still fresh in its portrayal of a woman named Matsuda who struggles to posses her husband Fuji, wholly and completely.
In what must be one of the most shocking movies to come out of Japan in decades,
Nagisa's skillful use of location builds a claustrophobic atmosphere of intimacy, with very little light, cramped space and no fresh air (minor character comments about the smell that builds in the room the couple are in). Though at times seemingly pretentious, my feeling is that this may be due to the translation.
From beginning to end the controversial and explicit nature of the film will either turn you on, or off or leave you in jaw-dropping awe. Its still amazing what the two main actors do for this film, and the levels they go to, to bring these two characters to life. Still fresh and worth a good unbiased viewing every other year.

The film was probably made to shock people. The majority of the film focuses on sex and various sexual acts between two illicit lovers who basically stay together for days on end doing nothing but have sex and maybe eat (sometimes the two activities complement one another). It was made in the mid 70s, which will seem very shocking when you watch it today. It is very graphic and visual, making no apologies for the liberties it takes. The end is rather insane and shocking also although if you have watched the film and read all the subtitles you won't be particularly surprised.

"Eroticism at its finest"
This movie is probably the most erotic film that I've seen to date (pornos notwithstanding). It is a movie about obsession and what can happen when it gets out of control, something that this movie demonstrates well. However, I wished the movie had delved into the background of the characters, especially Sada's. If the audience watching this film knew about Sada's past, where she was raped and then outcaste by her wealthy family because of it, I think the audience would have a better understanding about the reason for Sada's behavior. Still, despite that and an undeveloped plot, the movie is still entertaining. However, if you want to see a more sanitized version of this story, which is based on an actual event that took place in Tokyo in 1936, then get "A Woman Called Sada Abe", which is available on both VHS and DVD. From what I've heard, it doesn't have nearly as much sex and nudity as "In the Realm of the Senses", which is a good thing for people who are easily offended by it. Personally, I liked the sex scenes, which I felt were tasteful and elegant, unlike what would normally be found in a pornographic movie. There was a lot of emotion displayed in those scenes, and that gave it a certain romantic, authentic dimension to it. For that reason alone, I will watch it again and again.

This movie is pretty good for all mature adults. However, it is not for squemish people. Some people may be offended by the explicit sex scenes and graphic nudity. I think any guy would want to have this one in their private collection. Definitely not for children though.

4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 - of 14 pages

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