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Pokemon the First Movie - Mewtwo vs. Mew
Actors: Veronica Taylor, Rachael Lillis, Eric Stuart (III)
Directors: Michael Haigney, Kunihiko Yuyama
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Academy Ratio
Format: Color, Animated, Dolby
Audience Rating: G (General Audience)
Running Time: 96 minutes
Studio: Warner Home Video
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2005-02-08

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The world domination of Pokémon begets their first theatrical movie. This adventure is a little more complex and dark than the popular TV series, but kids who live for the show will gobble up this film and ask for seconds. Those baffled by the show's popularity, however, will see nothing better here. Mewtwo, a new type of Pokémon designed by scientists to be the ultimate fighter, decides he wants to rule the world and challenges all the great Pokémasters to battle. Of course, our intrepid heroes Ash, Misty, and Brock are there to tangle with Mewtwo and spoil his devilish schemes. The film is a tad more emotional than the show (that is, there is some emotion), with Ash sacrificing himself to defend his beloved Pikachu (but don't you worry, Ash will be just fine).

Would you really expect the makers of this worldwide phenomenon to radically change its winning formula? The feature is only 55 minutes long, but there's also a 20-minute short, "Pikachu's Vacation." For the Pokémon novice, this escapade will truly baffle: the narrated tale has virtually no dialogue except Pokémon speaking their names (Bulbasaur, for instance, will only express emotion by using variations of his name: "Bulba, Bulba-SAUR!"). It's a real curio. --Doug Thomas

"The One Movie That Started It All"
This Movie Is Way Cool. It's The One Movie That Started It All.
I Used To Own It. And I Was Just Blown Away By It. My Favorite Part In The Movie Was In "Pikachu's Vaction" When Charizard Got It's Head Stuck In A Pipe. And Pikachu And The Others (Onyx, Geodude, Psyduck, And A Whole Host Of Others) Tried To Get Charizard Out Of The Pipe. Then They Got It Out. And They Were Happy. Oh And At The Very End Of The Movie You Will See Mew Flying To An Icey Mountain. So I Would Like Everyone To Buy This Movie. It's A Must Have For Anyone Who Like's Pokemon.

"Mewtwo vs. Mew"
I have seen this movie several times and I must say that its one of the best Poke'mon movies made. The poke'mon are drawn well in this movie and the characters voice acting are done quite well.
Overall I give this movie like a 3.5 rounded to four!

I love pokemon i saw this movie in theaters and it was the best movie id ever seen. I should order this film. But to much people are saying that the japenese original is better.I learned for a fact since the japenese theatrical version of the movie is that when it came out in dvd the japenese the birth of mewtwo as a prequel.The birth of mewtwo and metwo strikes back are in two diffrent dvds. due to time approx.Also the crtics are wrong the movie is not 55 minutes. The movie is 76 mins/ 1hr and16mins. Also know there is a special edition dvd that put um together in japan.

"classic pokemon"
This is the best of the Pokemon movies- great action, touching scenes, and important message.

"A Masterpiece, In Its Own Weird Way"
Mewtwo Strikes Back is, in my opinion, one of the best movies in existence, and not just because it has Pokemon in it. The plot, dialogue and especially the art were all very interesting. This movie has received a lot of hostility from people, but it's usually for the following reasons:

1. They dislike Pokemon, anime, or something along those lines.
2. They take cartoon violence way too seriously.
3. They just don't like the English version, because it is apparently evil and horrible and wrong for the English-speaking scriptwriters to write what they WANT, instead of conforming to the original script.

The movie is in fact, like I said, really, really, really, really good. The plot involves a team of scientists making a clone of Mew, the rarest and most powerful Pokemon to have ever existed, after finding its eyelash (I think) in the Amazon. However, they attempt to make the clone much more powerful than its genetic ancestor. After developing in a gargantuan test tube for quite some time, Mewtwo is born.
Unlike most Pokemon, Mewtwo can actually speak human speech instead of just saying its name (this is most likely because the movie would be rather confusing otherwise). Mewtwo quickly realises he is being used by the scientists, and so he blows up the lab. It is at this point that the dastardly boss of Team Rocket, Giovanni, shows up and wheedles Mewtwo into a partnership with him.
However, after some time, Giovanni informs Mewtwo he isn't actually his equal and was created solely to obey humans. Mewtwo is of course upset about this, so he blows up Giovanni's hideout and goes on his own.

Sometime later, Ash, Misty, and Brock are lured into a trap, along with some other trainers, via an invitation to battle "the world's greatest Pokemon master". Mew, somehow sensing that it is needed, also goes to Mewtwo's hideout.
Mewtwo ends up cloning their Pokemon, rather like the scientists who created him, and a great battle ensues between the normal Pokemon and the super-clones, not to mention between Mewtwo and Mew.

In short, this movie is in fact really good, despite the bad reviews it tends to get. I'm not sure I'd recommend it for especially young or sensitive children, though, because there are certain amounts of violence in it, but no one dies or anything.
Well, actually, Ash gets turned to stone, but he comes back to life after a few minutes, being the main character and all, and it's supposed to tie in with something someone said earlier on in the movie.

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