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X - The Movie
Director: Rin TarĂ´
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Anamorphic Widescreen
Format: Color, Widescreen, Animated, Dolby
Audience Rating: R (Restricted)
Running Time: 98 minutes
Studio: Palm Pictures/Manga Video
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2001-09-25

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Tokyo is the city where the final battle between the Dragon of Earth and the Dragon of Heaven will take place in the Japanese anime film X, directed by Rintaro (a.k.a. Tarô Rin; Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion) and written by the all-woman writing team Clamp. The Dragon of Earth wants to wipe out humankind because of the damage people have inflicted on the Earth, while the Dragon of Heaven is fighting to protect civilization. At the center of all this is Kamui, the chosen one, who must pick a dragon to fight for.

Full of dreams and flashbacks that pop up out of nowhere, the structure of X could be considered confusing and needlessly complex--if the story weren't so simple. Obviously, we're supposed to root for the Dragon of Heaven to win and save mankind, but the funny thing is, the Dragon of Earth has the better argument. If it were a debate, humanity would lose. But it's not a debate, it's an action film, and many of Tokyo's most famous buildings get destroyed in the battles. As with most anime, the women are either girlishly cute or slutty, but luckily in X, there are no graphic rapes; the love interest is merely crucified three or four times. It may not be the greatest anime film out there, but at least it's never boring. --Andy Spletzer

"Not great, but interesting if you've seen the series."
I enjoyed parts of this movie, but that is only because I have seen parts of the series.

You can read any review here about the movie. It isn't that good.

The only thing I would advise you do is not watch this if you plan to watch the series. I now know the ending to the series, which is kind of unfortunate. This badly paced movie is too rushed to deal with the complex characters in the manga/tv series. Watch the series first and learn about the characters. Then maybe you should watch this movie as a goof.

"its a basic loose adaptation/summary of the manga/tv series "
basically this movie is a way to sum up all of the goings on in the manga and tv series in a 90 minute period of time, as opposed to watching the 10+ hours of the x tv series, (the tv series is far batter). some things were slightly changed to work with the time frame, and even the ending is different. think of it as a comparison of the kubrik version of "the shining" vs the newer made for tv version. many things werent true to the book in the kubrick version but it is an excellent movie none the less. i would reccomend you watch "X" only if you have already, or plan to view the series. the movies rushes in many parts, not taking much time to introduce alot of the charicters (there are 14 main charicters)so you dont really understand why some died the way they did or really much care when they do. (some that died in the movie ended up not dying in the series and vica versa) the tv series basically gives each charicter an in depth story so you better relate to them and explains things like "barrier fields" in a understandable fashion. if i had not seen the tv series in its entirety before watching the movie, i wouldnt understand much of what went on. but as i said, some things were changed. for instance 2 charicters that end up falling in love and living in the seires... .actually hate and fight each other in the movie and end up dying. i prefer the story the way the tv series did it, but the movie for what it is is its own masterpiece. i see it as a loose adaptation of the manga/tv series with alot of creative changes implied. but this doesnt make it a bad movie, this is definately one of the better animes

"Not what I expected"
It's the year of destiny, and 15 year old Kamui Shiro, a powerful psychic, has returned to Tokyo after a 6 year absence, having left when he was very young. He wants to be with his childhood friends Fuma (his best friend) and Kotori, Fuma's little sister (and Kamui possible girlfriend). He wants to protect them from all dangers, but destiny and fate are haunting Kamui and pulling in himself and his beloved childhood friends.

"A mindless mess of puddly black goo...."
That seems a little strong when describing a movie. That is however what this movie seems to me. It was bad enough when theyk illed off Subaru within 5 minutes of the movie! Come on! They said they based this off of Clamps work?! More like stole the characters and pasted them onto a completely different plot line.
Yes the animation was good,but the story developed to fast with no real plot. They didn't even do a semi-good job in developing characters. Your left with a dry taste in your mouth after watching it. Not to mention the ending really sucked.
The only good thing about it is the squishing noises made whenever someone got their arm teared off or a sword ran through them(very nice indeed!).
Listen if you want a nice looking anime that doesn't follow the plot of even the tv series then watch this...otherwise don't bother. You will only be sorry you did.

"Not among the anime elite but..."
This movie was a spur of the moment buy for me, as a lot of things i buy, but i went blind into this movie. This is sometimes the best way to go though. I have mixed feelings towards this movie. For example, the animation was amazing and really well drawn out, but the plot (if you could call it that) all happened so fast. Don't get me wrong, i mean i still gave it 3 stars. I guess it just wasn't my cup of tea and i came on here to give my opinion. Use it as you wish, if you havn't seen it, check it out. If you have, use your money on one of three manga movies: AKIRA, Perfect Blue, Ghost In The Shell.
X might rate in the top 20 though.

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