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Destroy All Monsters
Director: IshirĂ´ Honda
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Letterbox
Format: Color
Audience Rating: G (General Audience)
Running Time: 90 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2000-02-22

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"This is actually supposed to be the AIP Print....."
With Toho recently announcing the end for now of the Godzilla films, this movie seems all the more enjoyable because it was made by Godzilla's original film makers in the 1960's and featured both the BIG G and several other Toho Monsters in what many call the best film in the genre ever made. It's entertaining to watch and this new DVD release is supposed to be the original movie version that American International Pictures released here in the States in 1968. They really do not make them this good anymore.

"ADV "Destroy All Monsters" DVD"
Generally pretty good - the transfer has vivid colours and sharp images. There are a few scenes with some print damage, mainly during the final battle - this consists of some scratches, hairs and some small speckles. For the most part though it's in very good shape. Sadly there were a few problems with the DVD though - mainly some compression problems resulting in rainbows on sharp edges throughout the entire film, and that the film lacks anamorphic enhancement. On whole though, it's generally a sharp looking widescreen version of the film - something never seen in the US before.

The DVD only offers one audio track, the Toho International dubbing presented in mono (doubled up to make 2.0, but it's not true stereo). Despite the rather lacklustre dubbing, the track itself is in very good condition - I don't believe I heard any cracks, pops or other distortions, everything seemed good.

No features, no menu, no chapter stops. It works basically like a VCD - chuck it in and it plays the film. If you want to get to a particular part of the film you have to fast forward through the entire film to get there.

Reasonable video quality, minus a the compression screw ups, and pretty good quality audio. The films itself is in very good condition, and it's good thing too because that's all the disc offers. Without a menu or chapter stops it's a pretty thin release, however that's been argued back and fourth between it being Toho or ADV's fault. At the end of the day it's the best release of the film you're ever going to get, unless you fork out $55 for the Region-2 DVD.

"Repackaged Version of Their Old Releases"
This "Special Edition" is nothing more than the original DVD and CD soundtracks with new labels and put in new packaging. ADV didn't bother to fix the problems with the original DVD, such as lack of any chapter stops whatsoever. But aside from that, it's still the good, decent widescreen print released before, so it's worth getting, whether it's the movie or soundtrack you don't have, or both.

"This is it!!!"
The crown jewel of Godzilla movies. Every monster the Japanese studios could think up over the years all appear together to fight the three-headed dragon king. A great movie for kids and adults alike who love crazy, fun time fighting with large rubber suits. Go Go Godzilla!!

"Must Watch and Have"
First off you have all the monster together in one film and they all control by Aliens!!! So you know they are wrecking every parts of the country!!!This is a must have Godzilla flick but the only sad thing they cut the scene where godzilla battles manda not long but battles.But the reason for getting is because all the monster in it but the film it self was alright and not as good as some other godzilla movies

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