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Riki-Oh - The Story of Ricky Director: Ngai Kai Lam Number of Items: 1 Format: Color Audience Rating: R (Restricted) Running Time: 90 minutes Studio: Media Blasters Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2000-09-05 Buy from Amazon |
![]() When I first saw this movie it was because my friend Hector borrowed it from a friend in the movie theather that was bootlegged 3 times on one VHS. He saw it once, he couldn't believe it and got Ricky and Luis G. to see it. Then Ricky and Luis G. showed it to William, Jon, and Luis R. They saw it and loved that piece of marvelous crap. Four years passed and I came from the United States back from college. My friends told me about it all the time, about how crappy and funny this movie is. I personally went on a scavenger hunt to look for this movie. After one more year I saw it in Suncoast video and bought it without thinking tiwce. DVD version nonetheless. Now let's talk about the movie. The "story" was so surreal. Starting in a "futuristic" jail that looked more like college dorms. I was going to say camp but camp is more organized. The prisoners were allowed to walk freeley in the prison with no guards in site, only when "trouble" came. Then this Ricky comes. He fights somebody in the bathrooms, and that person falls on spikes that magically appear are on the floor. Also, when Ricky is burried alive a dog is over his grave and this guy comes flying and kicks the dog and makes it explode for no resone whatsoever. A guy is crucified and Ricky literally rips from the ground the cross, lifts it up in the air and "places" the cross gently on the floor. Now Ricky must be God because that thing must have weighed at least a ton. I won't go on because most of you have said it all. But I will say this, the more you see it the more you think it's crap but you can't help to love it. P.S. This all happened it Puerto Rico ![]() If you deal opium, oppress old men who build toy trains, fillet the skin off of poor mutes, get in Riki's business, or otherwise piss Riki off: YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!!! This movie is totally ridiculous and wild! Bad dubbing, cheesy fx, and over-the-top gore will have you rolling! The only reason this isn't getting five stars is because of my dissappointment that the warden's fat, annoying boy didn't get pummeled. ![]() Recently I've been reading up on Horror movies while on the internet, which naturally leads to discussion of gory films. Not too many non-horror movies would generally come up, except for this one, which was referred to repeatedly. Still, I wasn't too interested til I came across it in a store, and noticed the 'features the hilarious exploding head from the daily show' sticker. Clearly, this was a film I had to see. Normally, I write long, tedious reviews, but really what can you say about Riki-Oh. This is the height of camp entertainment. It is compulsively watchable, including the non-action scenes which still have immeasurable camp appeal. The ultra-cheap, inappropriately brightly colored sets are delightful, and the subtitles are absolutely atrocious, both of which add to the film's appeal. Honestly, this movie would be pretty damn amusing even without the delirious effects. The effects are the real star, and they are fall-down hilarious. Contrary to what you may think, there isn't much kung-fu in this film, especially on the part of Ricky, who generally just lands a single, explosive deathblow with his mighty fist. There isn't all that much variety in the gore fx, but the sheer absurdity and audacity of the bare-handed-explosive-mutilations maintains interest throughout. Despite the general technical incompetence of the film they manage to pace it pretty well, not overdoing the violence early, but not having too little happen either, so it entertains well continously.(And they still save most of the best effects for the final act) Personally, I found the funniest effect one to be the least graphic one: Ricky's girlfriends staggerinly unrealistic plummet from a rooftop. The film falters slightly at the very end. The fight with the warden goes too far over the top, but their doing so was pretty much inevitable considering the nature of the film, so I applaud them for managing to delay this inevitablility until the very end. This is an utterly bare-bones dvd, which looks pretty much like a tape. A nice digital make-over wouldn't be appropriate for this picture, but it's annoying to have to pay nearly 30 bucks for something so cheaply done. Really, this should only cost half of it's suggested price. But what can I say, it's worth it. ![]() Story of Riki is a must see. It is so bad it's funny. Especially the laughable dubbed version of the film. The plot is pretty dull but still holds a grudge. The violence is over the top but very unrealistic but Still over the top such as the part were Riki pumbles through a guys stomach or of course the part were riki smashes through a guys hans. This film is very very violent and graphic but in a funny way. The music was acctually pretty good! The story of Riki Rules! And I recomend this too some one who just wants to see some thing F-d up. Over all this is a horrbily but funny movie even though it's not tended to be funny. Get it...NOW!!! Later ![]() Although there are no fancy slick kung-fu moves, Ricky delivers dismembering blows, simple and effective. He fought this one fat guy and just gave him one good punch through the intestines. There are three goons that kill people in gory fashions as well. Violence isn't in every scene but you still get a good amount. Even when there is no gore in a scene, there's humor which redeems everything. The dubbing is so cheesy it's good. My first initial response to the movie was that it was like Bad Taste (the boss he fights in the end transforms in a similar fashion as the aliens in Bad Taste even) if it were a kung-fu flick. It's not disturbing gore, rather, cartoon gore. It's so obvious when they switch to fake dummies for the gory scenes. This doesn't ruin the atmosphere in the movie though. Because of the context of this being a b-movie, the fake looking effects become a plus in my book. Even in this day and age of expensive computer graphics, there's nothing like seeing silly crafted low budget gore effects. If you were looking for realistic gore, go watch Saving Private Ryan or something. This is a movie for people with a bizarre imagination. An inspirational film too. Ricky was a Moses like character, freeing everyone from the evil wardens who were corrupt and threw innocent people in prison just for cheap labor. |