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Digimon - The Movie Directors: Minoru Hosoda, Mamoru Hosoda, Shigeyasu Yamauchi Number of Items: 1 Picture Format: Pan & Scan Format: Color, Closed-captioned, Animated, Dolby Audience Rating: PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) Running Time: 83 minutes Studio: Twentieth Century Fox Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 Region Code: 1 Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2004-09-07 Buy from Amazon |
From Amazon.com Like the similar Pokémon craze, the animated Digimon TV series has spawned a full-length theatrical film. The two phenomena are similar: kids collect monsters and go on adventures. While Pokémon has a sense of odyssey and a wisp of a moral, Digimon is flat-out rough-and-tumble adventure. Can an adult figure out the digi-details of the digi-world? Here's a digi-shot. That world is full of evolving monsters that live and fight in their own ways. The digi-world and real world can intermix, and one of the portals is the Internet. So kids sit at their laptops and fight with their digi-monsters in an abstract environment that looks like something from Tron but with none of the cool. The first 50 of 83 minutes is backstory that takes place eight years earlier. So everyone is grown up (as the time frame leaps over all the original Digimon TV shows), and Digimon and humans interact on Earth. A bad digi-virus is bent on revenge, and it will take more than a laptop to defend the planet. That said, if the end of the world ever looms, a golden digi-egg will be a good thing to have. (Ages 6 to 12) --Doug Thomas |
![]() the kids in duigimon dont go around collecting digimon, they get one, and thats it. review at top was also wrong on: DIGIMON HAS THE CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT. its not corny, either. Pokemon is the one that revokves aroiund stupid fighting. ![]() digimon: great characters, great storylines, great emotion, great everything. (i also like how eacgh season is al continuity, there arent any eps that have nothing to do with the others) 5 stars pokemon: the same thing every ep. ash gets badge and blows up team rocket. this show couldve been good if the plot wasnt the SAME every ep. 2 stars. \ digimon: the movie. the first digi movie. its good. but if you want to see digimomn at its prime, watch the third season, especilly the last fifteen eps or so: The D-Reaper Saga. ![]() I have to admit it, I am 17 going on 18, but I was 12 going on 13 when the Digimon phenomenon arrived round here while Pokemon was still a huge success. I was so excited and when this movie came out at early 2001 and I just bought it (Well my mom did)... Anyway, I think Digimon and Pokemon are good, but Digimon enchanted me. STORY: 4/5 The TV serie was based on 1999, so the supposed terrorist attack should be happened at 1991, because that happened eight years ago, then the movie shows what happened on that night. OK then had happened 4 years and Tai looks older (13-15) than when he and all the boys traveled to de Digi world (He was 11) and Izzy seems to be about some 12-14 old. So it's a bit confounding LANGUAGE: 3/5 The spanish version has the original voices than in the serie, but them doesn't sound good at all... This movie is perfect for y'all kids be I think Digimon was good at the first 3 seasons, because after it started to suck ![]() This is bad. I'm not sure what else can be said, besides this movie is an injustice to one of the finest Saturday morning cartoons ever. I really couldn't believe how terrible this movie was while watching it. The animation, good God what the heck!? Did the studio go on strike before this botched up colored sketching got polished up? This is a bad bad, disappointingly bad movie. Such a bad movie shouldn't be purchased by anyone, especially lovers of a fine show such as Digimon. ![]() I first saw the Digimon movie October 7th 2000 on a saturday, just after its' release on the 6th on a friday. I have to say I wasn't disappointed at least with this movie. It was the coolest ever and my first Japanese animated movie even seen in the theater. The music --- mostly from ZERO TWO [ENGLISH VERSION] and some from ADVENTURE [ENGLISH VERSION]---- was completely different. There was something teenagers could listen to (Mighty-mighty Bostones, Smash mouth, Jen, Fatboy Slim, and ect.), with two or four childish songs (Hey Digimon - Change into power - Digi-Rap) but other than that there's nothing to hate about Digimon: The movie. The plots for the each movie (DIGIMON ADVENTURE - CHILDREN'S WAR GAME) that was compiled into eachother, (separated by years and present day), basically remained the same compared to the Japanese version, despite the editing. All except for "Hurricane Touchdown/Golden Digimentals!" The plot basically was that the older "Choosen Children - The Digidestend" Taichi "Tai" - Sora - Yamato "Matt" - Koushiro "Izzy" - Jou "Joe" and Mimi, were all kidnapped by the computer virus infected Diaboromon under the guise of another Digimon that belonged to Willis, a young boy that lived in America. Hikari and Takeru E-mail Davis and imform the rest of the group (Yolie "Miyako Inoue", Cody "Iori Hida", and Davis "Daisuke" Motomiya) of the dire situation and so on. The English version is that Kari and T.K., while one a trip visiting Mimi in new-york (her scenes as well as the other older kids scenes, are cut out completely from the movie) stumble across a young boy named Willis and his digimon Terriermon, who are caught up in a battle with a strange lanky appearing digital monster. When the two try and offer help to the young boy afterward, he runs away, thus causing Kari and T.K. to go after him. They are stopped by the mysterious digimon while on an AMTRAK train. Kari ends a message to Davis and informs them that there's a new digidestend and a new digimon running amuck in the real world, so he, Cody and Yolie head to America to meet Kari and T.K. From there the story develops. The voice acting, I'll admit could've been better for the ZERO TWO characters (Davis, Yolie, T.K., Cody, and Kari along with their digimon). Sure it didn't make a lot of money and sure it didn't please everyone (not indcluding the rabid purist who go overboard with their bashing of any kind of eding on anime. They treat the stuff like its a holy manmade god of the world, for cryn' out loud), and yes it was majorly different from the original three Japanese movies. This shouldn't cut the enjoyment of watching it even a little bit. If your a fan of the anime, be it edited or uncut, you'll love the movie. That's totally up to you of course (Just watch it with an open mind). [a 5 out of 5] |