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Versus (Special Edition) Director: Ryuhei Kitamura Number of Items: 2 Format: Color, DTS Surround Sound Audience Rating: Unrated Studio: Media Blasters, Inc Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2003-08-19 Buy from Amazon |
![]() This movie is disgusting. The violence and the blood and gore of this movie is disturbingly unnecessary. I have seen Saving Private Ryan and Ruroni Kenshin and they are both very good and very bloody films but this one is TOO gross. The Passion in some ways is less gory than Versus and it has a better story plot too. I don't even know where to begin to rip apart this disaster. First of all I have to say the story is stupid and the characters of the movie just pop up out of the blue. Two random prisoners with decapitated hands from other people's arms attached to the other side of their hand cuffs jump out of a forest. They run into some Japanese gang members with guns and they have a girl with them. There is a bunch of retarded screaming and a few guns are pulled out. Some guy gets his brains blown out later on and "comes back to life". He looks like some guy from the freakin "Thriller" music video which was SO much more entertaining than this piece of garbage. Plus they don't even mention where the characters came from and there is no story at all. It's as if all the people in the movie just...show up out of no where. Then some more dead dudes come out and for the next 2 hours get their brains and eye balls snatched from their heads in a rather gruesome fashion. Sometimes I laughed at the movie because the gore at some points was a little cheesy. But most of the time it was waaay too much. I also laughed at this dispicable trash thinking, "How could someone think up a movie that is so bad as this?" Another thing about this movie is that the camera that shot the movie looks like one from the 80's and the color is WAY off. This is supposedly a "classic" or a "rare" film. Yeah it is classic, it's a classic mistake. And it is rare to find but that's how it should stay. If you want to see a good foreign film see Hero. At least Jet Li can act even if you can't understand what language he's speaking in. And Hero also has honor and justice. Versus has Power Ranger katanas and a "good" guy who's a prisoner that cuts up people as he smiles demonically. Another thing that is horrible is the ending which I saw coming from a mile away. And did I mention the acting is goofy and horribly done? William Shatner could run circles around these chumps for God's sake. ![]() Some people are insane! I mean, what were you expecting? The English Patient? I for one love a good gorefest and awesome if its done out of Hollywood. The plot had holes, I guess, I can't really think of anything that really had me come out of the movie. If you rented or bought this and thought, "Hey, that couldn't have happened, like, oh my Gawd how fake!" Why would you watch a zombie/sci-fi movie to begin with? You did read the synopses right? The acting was good, watch the original undubbed one please before you blast the flick! The characters were priceless, I loved the "Charlie's Angels"-esque stances the yakuza guys made! Tre cool. I loved the fighting as well, every ten minutes or so someone was getting the crap beat out of them. It was also very refreshing to not see so much wire-flying, the one part I can recall that did sort of do that was shot tightly so it didn't seem so exaggerated. I'm a chick and I LOVED how Prisonor KSC2-303 kept hitting the annoying chick over the head, classic! No out of nowhere love scenes here my good people! The "villian" was also top-notch. I thought the casting was great. Tak Sakaguchi, wow, baby don't be so mean! :P I can't wait to see him in more things or in the sequal. Please don't watch this if you're cynical or hard to please. ITS A ZOMBIE/GORE/SCI-FI INDIE FILM! Yeah just don't buy it, let someone else who appreciates such fineness get a copy. *By the by, this review is based on "The Ultimate Versus" edition. ![]() If you like Troma movies, or just action movies in general, you will especially like Versus. Although not much plot present, this is definitely a movie to watch with your friends. You just can't beat a movie that has zombie action, sword action, gun action, and just about every other type of action out there. Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you the plot! Well anyway, the plot of the movie goes like this. It takes place in Japan, in the Forests of Resurrection. Two prisoners escape from a prison nearby, a group of people come to the place where there are supposed to rendevous. Things turn ugly, and the next hour and a half is a huge brawl. This is not a movie that you will forget anytime soon, I guarantee it. ![]() Versus is a a mega cool film. It has got to be one of the coolest films I've ever seen. The story is simple. A prisoner escapes with his inmate partner and end up in a mysterious forest were the dead come back to life, and the ones who get killed turn into the undead seconds later. To make things worse he is being pursued by Yakuzas for some reason(which I won't spoil)and the prisoner meets an enemy more tougher and more powerfull then him. Acctually he is so powerfull, so invincible that it would take a whole army to take it down. Soon the games begin and the tables turn as the story of Versus is told... There is more to it but I'm to lazy to type it out. Overall after viewing this film I must say this is a very cool film. It has great action, some really memerable scenes. The film also features some really cool things like zombies that are capable of holding guns and shooting them(though so slow they eventually get shot before shooting it)and there is alot of funny, cheesy dialoug. The violence isn't as bad as most people say but I will admit the Not Rated version of this film can get pretty bloody and violent. The film features alot of awesome gun action and lots of swordplay. This is one of those rare films that really keep me entertained and this one really kept me entertained! The film may seem a bit cheesy and dumb, especially how it looks like it only took these guys two days to make this film but it is still highly enjoyable and is one of my favorite films. The film as I have said before has some really cheesy dialoug and some really cheesy action sequences. Some parts look like a parody to the matrix if you ask me. Versus is 119 minutes thrill ride for people who want lots and lots of great action and a semi-good storyline(by the way this does have a plot to the people who say it doesn't)and great violent sequences. It has great zombies gun action, really awesome characters, not much character development but still worthy of a film and purchase(I baught the special edition of this)and has a great twist at the very end of the film(though a bit predictable)and shows what the meaning of good and evil/reincarnation is....Overall I give this awesome film a 4.5 out of 5 stars, by the way I reviewed it based on the movie NOT THE DVD EXTRAS and overall DVD itself...Highly enjoyable film..worth a watch.. Lates ![]() I could have easily given this film one star if it weren't for the fact it's so much fun to laugh at...not with. Two escape convicts meet up with some yakuza in the Forest of Resurrection and before you can say "What the Hell?" about 50 zombies with guns (!) attack. But that ain't the big problem, the big problem is the super powered samurai demon creature that transforms all of the yakuza into possessed martial art experts who are out to kill Prisoner KSC2-303. Luckily for him not only does he act like Kevin Dillon from THE BLOB he also has super powers and an endless supply of bullets. Everything from the acting to the action is way, way, way over the top. It makes BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA look tame by comparison. Everyone is capable of flying through the air, one guy who fights like a rabid beaver turns into a drill bit and tunnels under our hero and then shoots straight up 15 feet into the air, lots of holes get punched through heads and torsos. It's insanity. It's like THE STORY OF RIKI-OH meets ERNEST GOES TO CAMP. I wanta tell you not to watch it, but at the same time I can't stop giggling. So if you insist on watching this, at least have the good sense to invite some of your drunken friends over to help you. |