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The Princess Blade
Actors: Hideaki Ito, Yumiko Shaku, Yoichi Numata
Director: Shinsuke Sato
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Widescreen, Dolby
Audience Rating: R (Restricted)
Running Time: 95 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2003-11-18

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"Modern Samurai film thats halfway decent."
The princess blade tells the story of Yuki who is an assasin working for underground rebels called house of Takemikazuchi in a post apocalyptic Japan. I didn't know what specific time this film was supposed to be in but it was in the future, its not what your thinking this film was deffinently low budget as you can tell from the locations but it was nicely shot with a dark stylish atmosphere and the fight choreography was impressive and nice swordplay that was done by Donnie Yen. What I didn't like in this film was that it had many inconsistenceis the story was underdeveloped and some characters seem to have slowed down the pace with too much melodrama otherwise the film wasn't that good it was decent, I thought that Azumi was a much better film so you might want to check that out as well. And another thing that has bothered me with this film is that it all ends abruptly so there might be a sequel coming soon which I thought was dissapointing.

"Movie sucks"
Movie Boring...
Story Drags...
barely any action...
if story drags should have atleast good story to keep interest but it had nothing...

"She can't handle the sword"
The high points:
1) A cute doe-eyed heroine
2) Semi-logical plot and love-story sub-plot
3) Stylish photography and sets in some scenes

Low points:
1)Uma with a few months practice looked a lot more convincing. With 1.5billion Chinese and Japanese people they couldn't find someone that looked cute and know which end of the sword to hold?
2) She's gets pummeled by the #2 female villan in midpoint of movie and then kills #1 male at the end. Not likely.
3) Her main defense seems to be to try to run away from the bad guys. What's with that? In two (maybe 3) encounters with the bad guys she tries to outrun them and then collapses in exhaustion. Then when they soon catch up she fights them and mostly gets HER butt kicked. Then by luck or stupidty on enemy part she ends up winning.
4) The director misses an obvious opportunity to backlight her naked body through a white see through dress. Cmon already!!
5) The CGI is pretty lame and done on the cheap. One obvious tracking shot was jumping all over the screen. In the extras the director even mentioned how they mounted the camera to the top of a car. What, they couldn't even afford to RENT a steadicam for a 1/2 day or some better software.

I wouldn't buy it again. Good thing it only cost me a little used.

"Japanese movies are like Steven Segal movies"
All of Steven Segal's movies are very similar to each other. All of them have the same 3 ingredients: #1 kung-fu fighting, #2 gun shooting, #3 sword fighting. The same can be said of Japanese action movies. They're all exactly the same.

But I will admit that I would prefer to watch a Segal movie than to watch Princess Blade again. At least Segal's movies have better plots and better storylines.

I hate the way Princess Blade tricks the audience during the opening scene. In the opening, a man shoots bullets at her and she dodges the bullets by doing a slow motion, Martrix style, somersault flip. BUT THAT IS THE SINGLE ONLY TIME SHE DOES THAT TYPE OF MOVE ! In the rest of the movie, she does regular fighting without any special camera effects ! So don't be fooled by what you see in the beginning, this is just another very low budget kung-fu movie.

Another complaint of mine, is a scene where she had been injured and started to bleed (a lot). She lost about a gallon of her own blood, which she was laying in, after she passed out on the floor. But despite her enormous blood loss, she recuperates herself and she kills about 15 bad guys who were in much better health than she was.

"Waste of my money."
This movie was absolutely horrible.

The action is cheesy and not even remotely well choreogeraphed. There are a few decent moments mixed in with a whole lot of junk.

The plot takes up the middle third of the movie, and it's a total joke... I could forgive the crap plot - if it were just an outline supporting the violence. But when you consider that the action isn't worth a dollar to watch, the plot suddenly comes more into focus.

Don't waste your money.

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