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Sailor Moon SuperS - The Movie (Geneon Signature Series) Director: Hiroki Shibata Number of Items: 1 Format: Animated, Color Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated) Studio: Geneon Entertainment Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2004-01-06 Buy from Amazon |
From Amazon.com A wicked ice princess sets out to freeze and capture Earth for her planetary collection. But Sailor Moon and her tight-knit group of gal pals will have nothing of the sort. Paced more for the love story fan, this episode focuses on a handsome young astronomer, Kakeru, who discovers a mysterious crystal needed by Princess Snow Kaguya to carry out her plan. Soon after finding the crystal, Kakeru develops a deep friendship with Luna (Sailor Moon's cat), a friendship that eventually leads to the Sailors' discovery of the Earth's predicament and to each character's discovery of the tremendous powers of love and justice--all in about an hour. Despite its slower pace, this feature incorporates all the positive qualities other Sailor Moon episodes share: sharp, eye-catching artwork; humorous but heartfelt communication among the girls; an understandable plot line; and plenty of flashy transforming. Further enhancements include an intelligent soundtrack (a nice balance of kooky sci-fi and seriously beautiful tunes) and the introduction of the "Outer Senshi." This slightly older, more mature group of young women--Sailors Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto--join our regular band of bubble-spraying, crescent-beaming skirt tossers to melt the ice princess once and for all. The dubbed movie (tagged with the new title of Hearts in Ice) is an edited version of the subtitled film. Some language and violence (a few frames) have been altered. Due to the inclusion of mild nudity (imagine a spinning, naked Barbie), parents may want to think twice before offering this movie to fans younger than 6. The DVD is of the uncut version but also has the English language dialogue. --Liane Thomas |
![]() this one didn't quite meet the standards set by the first movie, however it is still good. the animation is on par with the sailor moon r, its just lacking in the story department. an ice queen from the moon comes down and attempts to freeze the planet and add it to her collection of frozen worlds with the power of a gem that fell to earth. at the same time, luna is falling in love with the man who found the gem and takes care of him as his health is affected by the gem. and for all you luna fans, she gets her 15 minutes in this movie with a little time as a human. sailors nepune, uranus, and pluto also appear in the movie. overall, its still a good dvd and a must have for any sailor moon fan, its just not as good as the first. ![]() Ok most of these people are talking about the wrong movie. There are no ice queens in the Sailor Moon Super S movie. That was the second movie. This one is all about the Black Dream Hole, created by the evil Badiyanu. Her wish is to take all the children of Earth and put them into an eternal peaceful sleep, which somehow feed her Dream Hole energy, which allows it to grow. The Scouts have to defeat Badiyanu before the Dream Hole gets so big it can swallow the Earth. Can they do it? Definitly watch it in Japanese cause the english doesnt explain much. ![]() Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon brings back so many memories. When I was very young and Sailor Moon first came out, I found it by fate by flipping the channels. Back then no one else watched it and it was on at 6:00 in the morning. Many years later I reunited with it and then I ordered the Japanese episodes fansubbed. The Japanese episodes were amazing. Back then their was no official distributer, so I ordered from a fansubbed distributer. The Japanese version was so different form the American version. It was completely different. I love both versions though. The English version brings back memories from my childhood while the Japanese version is uncut. It's fun comparing the episodes and seeing how much was changed. This version, however, is the edited and changed. It cuts out many scenes and makes a lot of changes. While it has changed a lot from the original Japanese version, it's great for a trip down memory lane, and brings back my childhood memories. This volume has very important episodes. This volume has many romantic with Usagi and Mamoru, my favorite couple. Serena/Darien and Usagi/Mamoru are my favorite couple. It brings back memories from your childhood. Tuxedo Kamen is so wonderful and charming. I love Tuxedo Mask. ![]() Such a cute and touching tale. Luna falls head over heals in love...not for Artemis (sorry man) but for a scientist. Guess she likes the intellectual types...especially when they save her life. Although love is in bloom in december, the scouts have a new problem and enemy on their hands. an evil ice queen is trying to freeze over the entire earth and add it to her collection of frozen planets...immediatly the scouts step up to meet the threat...but the only way to defeat her is my the legendary silver crystal power of love and friendship....will sailor moon use the silver crystal and forfeit her life to save the planet? Not if the scouts can help it! Okay, thats a brief summary of the basic plot...but there is so muchmore to say about it, but sadly that would take up an entire page...not to mention i dont want to give away what will happen or what comes of Luna's new love. But here are some tasty tid-bits...THIS IS THE ONLY ANIMATED SAILOR MOON WHERE YOU WILL SEE LUNA IN HER HUMAN FORM...thats right...Luna goes homo-sapien and it gets better...not only are the original scouts in this movie...but so are sailor neptune, uranus, and pluto! The outer senshi fight along side our favorite sailors! Not too mention this plot is so enticing it literally sucks you in full force with suspense and action...making you sit on the edge of your seat wondering..."will luna get with her new fling....will artemis be able to steal her back...and will the scouts succeed in their endeavors?" Here are some feature of the disk you may like to know -Bi-lingual English and Japanese -English subtitles -Art galleries -Character Profiles -Uncut -And more! Running time is approx. 60 minutes with a 13+ rating, mostly due to violent fighting in the last battel scene, and seeing Luna a bit nude when she turns into a human. One note on the last battel scene, i believe it to be one of the best battle scenes ever made in sailor moon...it gets viloent and downright mean as it should...so of your into good battles....this is one of the best. ![]() I get the Sailor Moon movies from Netflix. When I ordered this one, I thought it was the best Sailor Moon movie ever. I can't really remember it though. I've only seen it once. The Sailor Moon movies i'm dying to get are Black Dream Hole, Pegasus Collection volume 2 (I've seen the first already), Sailor Moon the series volume 2, and The Return of Sailor Moon (witch I can't get on Netflix). I am a big fan of anime my two favorites are Yu-Gi-Oh and Sailor Moon. This is a MUST see movie. |