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Lone Wolf and Cub White Heaven in Hell
Director: Yoshiyuki Kuroda
Number of Items: 1
Format: Animated, Color
Audience Rating: Unrated
Running Time: 84 minutes
Studio: AnimEigo
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2004-07-13

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A must see full of blood and guts but done well has many epic scenes that will make you watch it again and againt !

"Last episode of Lone Wolf"
The lord Retsudo Yagyu, whose 3 sons were killed by Ogami Itto, sends his knife-juggling daughter to kill the Lone Wolf. After she fails, Retsudo demands help from an illegitimate son he abandonned in the forest and who is now a Tshuchigumo (magic tribe of the forest). He challenges Ogami to replace his father Retsudo. When he fails, Retsudo and his men try one last time to kill the Lone Wolf in a climatic fight on a snowy mountain side. A very original entry, beautifully photographed, but the fights are slightly under par (for the series of course) and the final battle involving samurai on skies and on sleighs and a Ben-Hur like confrontation between Retsudo and the Wolf on sleighs is unique but never achieves the rythm and momentum of other finales of this great series.

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