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Inu-Yasha - The Movie - Affections Touching Across Time
Director: Toshiya Shinohara
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Closed-captioned, Widescreen, Dolby
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Running Time: 100 minutes
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2004-09-07

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"This Movie Is The S***"
I never thought an anime series could get any better than InuYasha. and when i heard they were finally going to be releasing the first movie i ran out and bought this right away. And let me tell you something man, it was worth every penny and more. For those of you just reading my review and don't know what to expect. EXPECT THE BEST. It caries on perfectly from the series right now (If you watch adult swim). Not only that the animation is more lush, the voice acting is much better, funny moments for the series are even more funny, Menomaru is SICK, the battles are more brutal and detailed, and overall the story is just more dramatic which i can really appreciate. So for all you InuYasha fans jonsing to see the story evolve go out and get this before it's too late. But for all of you bastards that dispise the series and call it gay should be beaten and left bleeding in the parking lot. BONG!

"This movie rocks!"
First, I must note, that the character's faces are drawn a little differently in the movies (compared to the series) and I didn't particularly like it, but the special computer effects and plot of the movie are really great.

Inuyasha+Kagome fans will "awwwwww" when they see how the movie really focuses on their relationship (he kisses her hurt finger, and later tells her how much he needs her). And Kagome looks really awesome when she gets possessed and flies around shooting lazers out of her fingertips at Inuyasha. Kirara also gets possessed and attacks Sango, but it'll bring a tear to your eye how she forces herself to stop (awww--true friendship!). And a little of Inuyasha's father's history is shown as the main plot of the story involves a demon once locked away by him that gets free. Moths are gross.

The soundtrack also rocks! Especially the opening title track. I would suggest buying that also (as a true fan would). I can't wait til the next movie is released!

I am a huge fan of the anime series Inuyasha. I collect all the DVDs, and watch them in Japanese with subtitles. I knew this movie would be great. It strays away from the plot of the TV series, which makes it great for people who don't watch the show. I love the characters, especially Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango and Kirara. The only annoying feature of this movie was the constant fighting between Inuyasha and Kagome. It reminded me of their ambiguous relationship in Season One. But Inuyasha uses the Backlash Wave, so it can't be. Overall though, excellent plot, fascinating characters, WATCH IT!

The movies starts with the Kagome instroducing herself and the others who are fighting a scropion and then Kagome shows and tells Inuyasha where the sacred is. Then they have lunch that Kagome made and then she asked Inuyasha if he likes it and he tells her to shut up because he is eating and then Kagome asked him again if it was good, then he says that there was something missing so he checks in the bag and brings out a cup of noodles that makes Kagome mad so she tells him to sit!

Killa then starts crying and runs away and Sango and the Monk go after her to meet these two ladies who have poision her and she can;t remember Sango. They take Killa and one of the ladies copys the Monks Wing Tunnel into her arm. Somewhere else Kagome runs into Kikyo on her way home and then hides. She starts thinking that Kikyo and Inuyasha still love each other when he shows up ans kisses her finger that she cut against the a tree. Then Menomoru shows up, Piosion's Kagome and stabs Inuyasha then goes to pick up Inuyasha's sword that he can;t pick up because it has rejected him. He then posseessed Kagome into shooting Inuyasha with an arrow. Kikiyo then appears abd tell Kagome that she it an outsider, that she has to go home and that she hurt Inuyasha.The monk and Sango kill the two assiants of Menomaru and gets Killa back. Kagome is depressed bceause the well has been filled up with roots so that she can;t get back to Inuyasha. Kagome then touches the Sacred Tree and then she ccould feel Inuyasha. He hugs her and tell her that he needs her that she should come back. Kagome comes backa and they destroy the Moth Man.

I loved this movie and I can't wait intil the next one comes out!

"Great Movie, Terrible Audiences (note: some spoilers inside)"
I THOUGHT I had the great pleasure of watching Inu Yasha's first movie on the big screen for free, curtesy of VIZ, but when I began to watch, I realized what jerks there were in this world. They talked all the time and made comments until some woman yelled at them.

Enough of that, the movie's plot is like this. I'm not exactly sure when in the series this takes place. Inu Yasha knows the Bakuryuuha (or Backlash Wave as they dubbed it) but for some reason, Sesshomaru (only seen twice through out the movie) doesn't have Tokijin.

Anyway, Inu Yasha and the gang are running around trying to find jewel shards when they run into a giant scorpion with one in it. During the battle Kirara is injured and becomes possessed. Sango and Miroku are trapped by two minions of our head villian Menomaru while Inu Yasha, trying to find Kagome after an arguement, runs into Menomaru himself. It seems Menomaru wishes for Inu Yasha to use his Kizu no Kaze (or Wind Scar for those people who like it) to destroy a fang of Inu Yasha's father that locks Menomaru's father, the Hyoga, with all his power restrained. Inu Yasha, of course, thinks he's doing the right thing when he sends a couple streaming lines of energy at Menomaru, directly in front of the fang, but soon learns (and hates) that he's just being used.

Menomaru begins to suck souls from everyone around the world while possessing Kagome to shoot Inu Yasha with an arrow (gasp, just like Kikyo). Kagome is forced to return to her own world (the well is sealing up for reasons explained in the movie) and feels deep heartbreak becuase she'll never see Inu Yasha again (this was just where all the cosplays in the theater went "awwwww").

I'm giving away too much of the story but that's a good enough explination.

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