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Ju Rei:Uncanny
Actor: Chinatsu Wakatsuki
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Running Time: 80 minutes
Studio: Pathfinder Home Ente
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2004-10-26

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From Description
A group of high school girls discover the truth to an urban legend when one by one, each begins to die under mysterious circumstances after witnessing a black hooded figure. Who is the black hooded figure and will these girls be able to escape death?

"True Horror"
This may be similar to other Japanese ghost/horror films, but I wouldn't know that(I haven't seen the Japanese versions of Ringu or The Grudge yet). I thought it was truly fear inducing at times, and it captured a vibe that Hollywood horror movies haven't come close to since the likes of The Shining. Anyway, this movie is dark and creepy, and I highly recommend it.

"Cover your feet when you go to sleep!"
Ok, well many people who saw this movie with me says this movie suck. Well I think it was good. First the movie is creepy and eerie, and the direction of the movie is unique, how the movie travels backwards where the beginning is the end and the end shows the beginning. Makes sense? Well makes you jump from time to time but good horror for all you J-Horror buffs. I recommend this one.

"For borderline plagiarism, it's actually pretty good!"
You know, when I first saw this flick, I was just getting into Asian horror. After having seen Ringu and Ju-On: The Grudge, I was definitely hungry for more, so I bought this one sight-unseen. While I noticed that there are several elements blatantly lifted from those two movies (pale-faced ghosts, Kayako's click-click noise, faces frozen in fear a la Ringu), I actually found myself genuinely enjoying this movie.

Anyways, the plot goes like this: several people are stalked by ghosts in a virus-like pattern (yeah, yeah...I know). The story is told in a backwards fashion, starting from "Chapter 10" to the "Prologue", resulting in a more linear movie than Ju-On: The Grudge, but still keeping with the popular "fragmented story" style that seems to be prolific in Japan.

So...why did I still enjoy it? First of all, I'm not so sure it's a rip-off per se; it seems like the work of someone who highly admires Takashi Shimizu and his work on Ju-On, rather than someone who's trying to cash in on a craze. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Secondly, I really liked that it was low-budget. I actually don't like to see a whole lot of computer-generated special effects in horror flicks; it makes the film look obviously fake and a lot less scary. The grainy, almost camcorder look of Ju-Rei lends a little more realism to the story (let's face it, if the Blair Witch people didn't spill the beans, we'd all still be debating on whether or not the first Blair Witch movie was a real visual document). Finally, while the scare techniques were lifted from other movies, they're still highly effective.

In conclusion, this film isn't a masterpiece of horror like Ju-On is, but it's still a fun ride to be had. If you can't stand movies with obvious similarities bordering on plagiarism, then pass this one. However, if you enjoyed Ju-On, and can remember the fact that Halloween, Friday the 13th, Sleepaway Camp, and the like are basically the same story but with different environments (psycho killers methodically killing hapless teenagers), then you can do much worse than getting this flick.

"This Uncanny will cause Unrest"
A group of school girls discover the truth to an urban legend whenone by one begin to die under strange circumstances after witnessing a black hooded figure. The result is a horrifying and scary experience. It's short running only 77 minutes long but doesn't let up for a minute.In fact the scenes are so quick you'd think that they had a 77 minute deadline or face the firing squad.The music and mood setting are wierd and unsettling and the faces of the creatures made me shudder.One note of recomedation: The film has the option of subtitles or not make sure you hit the ON button because for the first minute I couldn't figure out what they were saying.One thing I particularly found interesting when the ghost appears only one friend sees it and the other doesn't HMMM. I haven't seen a good scary ghost story since The Changling with George C Scott. It's refreshing as cool clean good ole Vermont air. ENJOY!!!!!!

"So, so bad"
If this had been just a good imitation of Ringu, The Grudge, Dead Friend, or Phone, I wouldn't be complaining. This was a POORLY done, low-budget attempt at stealing blatantly from The Grudge. The first problem is that the movie is nothing like the back of the box says. That might've been interesting. No, this movie is one of those eccentric ones that you think is several unrelated people, in unrelated stories. It has chapters. That go backwards... :( Only several chapters in, is it clear that these people know each other somehow, as the "ghost" is killing the people for no logical reason. Keep in mind this is ALL backwards. Long, drawn out, but completely predictable scenes.
By then, you're so mad you rented this stupid thing that you want to just see the ending. IS there one, and how could this be SOLD?? No forests, only once is a shadowy possibly "hooded" figure seen... Then the ending is a twisted and turned opposite rip-off of the Grudge - like no one would notice? It takes us to what would be the opening scene and disapears... I want that time in my life back!!!!
Don't get desperate - buy some imports - One Missed Call, Dead Friend, Red Eye, Shutter...

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