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Director: IshirĂ´ Honda
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Widescreen, Surround Sound
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Studio: Media Blasters, Inc
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2005-01-25

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From Description
After a Japanese town is totally destroyed, the military arrive to investigate. They encounter a giant robot that is decimating everything in its path. A dome appears out of the ground and a group of scientists are invited to meet the alien Mysterians from the planet Mysteroid. The Mysterians have come in peace; all they ask humanity for is three-square kilometers of land and the right to interbreed with Earth women to repopulate their species. Outraged at such a suggestion, humanity declares war on the Mysterians.

"A Good Package"
This is a repackaging of a Japanese DVD release of the film. It is not the shortened version released in the US but the original version released in Japan. An English soundtrack is available. English subtitles are also available. Extras include a commentary by 2 Japanese film technicians influenced by The Mysterians. The commentary is in Japanese with English subtitles. It is also possible to play just the music over the film without dialogue. There are numerous stills and design drawings included as well as a partial storyboard. Several previews are included one in English, the rest in Japanese with no subtitles. The original trailer for the Mysterians is included with subtitles. The film looks good and for those who have seen it before, the widescreen uncut version will be a revelation. The plot is familiar territory with aliens once again seeking to rebuild their race by interbreeding with earth women. What makes the film really special is the wonderful design and excellent miniatures as robots and spaceships finally find a place in Japanese cinema. It was an innovative and influential film and the release treats it with the respect warranted.

"A Fun Sci-Fi Film"
The Mysterians is a film that is a classic but is not what I would consider to be great. In fact, it's good.
The story is pretty interesting. The Mysterian race has come to earth in peace. They only ask for three square kilometers of land and want the right to breed with earth women. Of course the human race is not too happy about the requests, so all-out war is declared on the Mysterians.
The acting is pretty good for a late 1950s Japanese sci-fi film and the special effects are...well...good for the time but just seem to out of line at times. The miniature work is decent but they can easily be distinguished as miniatures. Nonetheless, for what is offered, it is pretty entertaining. My biggest complaint with the film is that the story tends to drag in certain areas, slowing it down when it was looking as if it were to speed up and get exciting.
In the end, The Mysterians is a fun film that includes many cliches associated with 50s sci-fi films. The story is a little slow in areas but does deliver very well! Recommended for those who like alien vs. mankind films!

"Scary Mysterians"
The first time I saw this movie, I was held spellbound by the amazing special effects, the captivating plot, and the incredible acting that made me forget I was just watching a movie. OK, I was in the 2nd grade at the time, but the memory of watching this film on television is burned deeply into my mind. I was alone in my room watching this movie and it scared the crap out of me. I think my interest in science fiction began with watching this movie. As far as old low-budget Japanese sci-fi goes, this one is at the top of the heap as far as I am concerned. Of course, in watching the movie as an adult, I had to laugh at parts of the plot and the acting, but I have to give this movie 4 stars as one of the best in its genre and timeframe. I have to admit that it took me years to find this movie because my 7 year old brain recorded the name of the aliens as the "Mysteriouses." Try searching on that to find this moie.

"another found classic"
For any TRUE fan of 50's scifi (especially the horribly dubbed japanese monster movies), this ranks right up there with Rodan, gozilla, and Mothera. It has everything you could ask for. Stereotypical Asians, miniture war machinery, giant monster, unfriendly aliens (as opposed to illegal aliens) and so much more.
The model villages, the puppets, planes on wires, flying saucers...there's too much to mention.
There's no use even thinking about this one. You must have it in your collection.

"nice old color scifi movie"
this movie has potential if they got the original they could fix the effects make them better the sound track needs to be made louder to be more like the current movies but it is still an enjoyable movie and has potential for anew mysterians movie could even be used in gamera movies and spinoffs of godzilla movies such as maybe more mothra movies or some of the other greatures that were on godzilla's side since they aren't making any more godzillas. its disapointing the extra's are not in english. would also be nice if they were to release a boxset of the movies listed in the extras for american release.this movie is not a monster movie but it is still as enjoyable as a godzilla movie.

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