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Dark Water
Director: Hideo Nakata
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Dolby
Audience Rating: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Running Time: 100 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2005-06-21

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"Tsa Lee Jun (The Exorcist)"
This one isn't for the middle aged crowd. Its renching, if you fear death, and a powerless fate. The main character spins out of control in life, which hurls her into a pool of helpless despair.

I still don't really know what Dark Water is about - the plot is so open-ended, everytime I think it over, I arrive at a different conclusion. But I think that's intentional, and results in an engrossing view.

This movie reminded me a lot of the Exorcist - you really aren't sure what's happening to whom, depending on how you interpret the characters.

Really, it's so much better than most movies one suffers through.

"Creepy To The Extreme"
This film is not a blood all over the walls, guts on the floor, and boogeymen lunging out of every closet in the house type of movie. Dark Water achieves it's unsettling flavor of horror with excellent pacing, involving characters, and spooky settings. The story builds itself up slowly, inching it's way into your mind, leaving small pieces of nightmarish shadows in each little nugget. This movie is a breath of fresh air for horror fans tired of teens in peril movies. I for one really don't care if UNTALENTED people like Paris ho Hilton gets hacked to bits in a movie. I want a real film not tripe thrown together for 15 year olds. The recent string of Japenese horror films are bright, mature, and inventive. Ringu and Ju-on the two other recent ones made into American versions are also excellent. I have not yet seen the remake of Dark Water and don't have high hopes for it. The Ring was good, but the Grudge was AWFUL. I recommend this film for mature and patient horror fans, not for those who want screaming demons spitting bile in the first 30 seconds. Dark Water is a great find, I recommend it without reserve.

"it s not great movie"
bueno..debo decir..que ya estoy un poco cansado de tantas peliculas..japonesas de terror.. que vuelven muy repetitivas,,,esta no es la excepcion..lo unico emocionante son los ultimos minutos.. no se si considerarla terror.. o drama..pero..creo que ya es un tipo de pelicula que repiten mucho...


"More creepy than scary...(3 1/2 stars)"
I'm a big fan of Japanese horror. Obviously, many others are as well, or we (Americans) wouldn't be remaking all of their films. Movies from this culture tell a good ghost story and concentrate more on evil spirits than who is coming after someone with an axe.

Yoshimi is a newly divorced mom who is fighting for custody of her daughter, Ikuko. She really wants to be a good mom to her daughter because her own mom neglected her. They move into an apartment in a creepy building where you never see any residents walking around with the exception of two old ladies talking through a cat.

One night, Yoshimi notices a water spot and water begins to leak from it soon after. The manager doesn't want to do anything about it, so Yoshimi puts a bowl under the leak and doesn't think much about it.

Even though Yoshimi was trying to be a good mom, it seemed as if she was always looking for her daughter. She never kept a good enough eye on her, because this little 5 year old was running around without supervision. She was constantly late picking her up from school as well. Ikuko ran around on the roof of the building, and one day, finds a child's bag. The manager explains that there have been no children living there for a long time. The bag ends up in Lost and Found, and eventually, in the trash. Later on, the bag keeps reappearing and eventually ends up in Ikuko's bag for school.

Yoshimi sees a poster for a missing girl one day who has been gone for over a year. The leak in the apartment grows bigger and bigger, but once they fix it, the terror was just beginning.

It bothered me that I had to watch a "dubbed in English" copy, which ruined it a little for me. But, that's the one that was sent. It also annoyed me that there were a lot of similarities to the other Japanese horror films I had seen. It's almost as if there were no new ideas created for this one. I did like the fact that there were touching moments as well as creepy ones. Once I figured out the mystery at the end, I started to like it a bit more.

I saw this movie well before the American version was out, because I, like most viewers assume that remakes ruin everything. (>I mean the Korean remake of Ringu (Ring Virus) was even better than the american one! I loved The Grudge(american version)- shot and directed in Japan with great actors made all the difference!)
But only time will tell if the remake turns out better than the original in this case...There were plot holes in this one so large you could fall in and wander around confused as the movie went on without you....empty spots...the harsh ending didn't make'll ask yourself "how did I miss that?" and wonder about the loose ends that never get tied up, but are used to spook you and build a story. Little girl is ADORABLE though, and it is well-acted.

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