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Ninja Resurrection Director: Yasunori Urata Number of Items: 1 Picture Format: Academy Ratio Format: Color, Animated Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated) Running Time: 100 minutes Studio: A.D. Vision Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 Region Code: 1 Product Group: DVD Release Date: 1999-12-07 Buy from Amazon |
![]() While I am into the gore and animation, this had NOTHING to do with Ninja Scroll and it would be an insult to consider them related. Yes, the centrl character is Jubei, but it isn't even the same one. I would NOT reccomend a purchase but rather checking out blockbuster or downloading it off of the internet. It wasn't realy worthy of the $[dollar amount] asked for the DVD. ![]() ... Here is my review. Please this is only my opinion so read others before making a final decision. Animation - The animation is okay I guess. I'm not an aficianado of Anime, so I cant really judge. I'd say its slightly better than a Saturday morning cartoon. Plot - There are too many holes in Ninja Resurrection to actually call it a story. Its more like a couple of action sequences tied together by an overall plot. A plot that ends in a cliffhanger! Jubei doesn't save the girl, doesnt win the day, all is not right in the world. Just as things get ugly, END of DVD. This is where I feel cheated. I can handle a bad movie, but this is unfinished, and I think thats total crap. Nothing is resolved at the end of this DVD. Characters - Jubei seems pretty cool, though he hardly fights anyone other than a bunch of 'red shirts'. But lets face it, you can hardly call those fights. Typical sequence, Jubei gets jumped by 15 'red shirt' ninja's, he flashes his sword in a wide arc, 15 ninja's are dead. The main fight in this DVD actually is in the beginning and it is very comical. I wont go into details, but it is sad. There are other charcters that get introduced, only to vanish 5 minutes later, never to be heard from again. Jubei's Ninja friends in the beginning are a pretty interesting bunch, but you never hear from them after the said above main fight. It happens again later on when you are introduced to two female fighters. They are there, then gone 5 minutes later. Flip to the back of the DVD box and you will see Jubei flanked by two women and a bunch of Ninjas. Those are the two above mentioned women, and nowhere in the DVD you will find this scene. In fact the two women's only fight occurs during a sparring match where both used wooden practice weapons, not what you see on the back of the box. I will end this by saying that they did a good job on the DVD box. It looks nice and has a nice description, but it is misleading. Rent this before you buy it. ![]() When i bought this, i thought it was the sequel to Ninja Scroll. As is said in all of the other reviews, it is not. The plot to this movie dosn't make a whole lot of sence, and is a bit complicated for the length of each piece. The only real redeeming factor about it is the great action, and the gore. Rent it first, and if you like it buy it, but its probably not worth the cash. ![]() Going against the grain, I'll say that Ninja Resurrection (not a Ninja Scroll sequel - as many have pointed out - and not meant to be) was an entertaining look into very loosely translated Japanese culture that has been dashed with other influences as well. Still, this seems to be what bothers many people about it, the fact that a movie might take liberties with handed down legends, salting them with concepts that also involve other esoteric entities while birthing its own tales of a Christlike figure not fulfilling his destiny and being reborn as the son of the devil. I, however, have no such qualms with these types of ideas taking place, in fact encouraging creativity in such matters, nor do I have a problem with the violence that saturated much of the bloodstained movie. So, I accordingly found the movie appealing. Abruptly ended when things were at their worst, mind you, but nice to watch. The two parts included on this films were not, in fact, that bad at all despite the little "speedbumps" in the plot that oftentimes do manifest themselves. The first, dealing with an insurrection taking place at the hands of some Japanese Christian Farmers, focuses on a legend that had been past down about one that would come as a deliverer. Still, the message goes on to warn that if his destiny should be blocked and this person weren't allowed to become Christ, he would return as the son of Satan. At a young age a few events transpire to seemingly show who this great deliverer will be and, through the struggles of the greatly outnumbered souls that decide to follow him, a wheel is set into motion, one greased with the manipulation and intrigue, that means to test these words fully. The second is the culmination of ideas birthed in the first, feeding off of the characters and adding to them, bringing about some additional plot twists in the process. This has some exceptionally strange ideas that are forced into play, asking one to pay attention in order to catch all of the intrigue being birthed. It does have its problems here, however, leaving openings that should have been plugged and ending too soon before anything can be solved, but its still not bad. If you are looking for another Ninja Scroll, this isn't your film. If you want something without any violence, a traditional piece, or something bulging with new forms of animation, then perhaps you should avoid it. Still, if you want something different and, above all, a bloody type ofentertaining, you might want to check this out. Just be expected to be left hanging at the end. ![]() i knew it was not the sequel of ninja scrol but i thought i might be as good as it..the story is kinda complicated i didnt bother my self understanding it..but where is the ending of the story?i hate it when that happens...i hated the rape scese i just hate that..if u dont have anythin else to rent then try this one but dont buy it ..buy somethin else..the drawing isnt that well done as it shows in the cover |