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Destroy All Monsters
Director: IshirĂ´ Honda
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Letterbox
Format: Color
Audience Rating: G (General Audience)
Running Time: 90 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2000-02-22

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"A Masterpiece of kaiju filmmaking"
This is the magnum opus of the Showa series, featuring 11 (yes, you read correctly, 11!) monsters, realized far better than in most of the other movies of the period. The plot is about the standard alien invasion premise, and the dialogue isn't all that great, but the hilarious overacting in the dubbing makes it worthwile, and any lingering grudges against the movie will likely dissapear after seeing the final fight scene at Mt. Fuji. The model work is top notch, and would be reused for several of the subsequent movies, none of which were nearly as good as this. Despite that the series contiuned in a southward direction for the next seven years, this really marks the end of it's golden age. At least it went out with a REALLY big bang.

"The Best Godzilla Movie Ever."
Destroy All Monsters is a great movie. I liked the story. I thought it was very good and pushed the useual barriers down when it comes to other less successful Godzilla movies. All of the major Japaneese Monsters are in the story, and they have a fantastic battle climax with King Ghidrah. Forget the 1998 Godzilla movie. The real Godzilla can be found in Destroy All Monsters.As for the DVD, I give it poor reviews. There are no extra features, the picture and sound quality are not of a good quality, the dubbing is really poor, and it has the look of a DVD film print that was put together very quickly. I would like it if Tri-Star Home Video got to do a new DVD of Destroy All Monsters. Giving a new picture and sound quality to it. Doing better Dubbing voice work, and adding features like a theater trailer and production data on how the movie was done. I belive the best Godzilla film ever made deserves that treatment.

"The fight scene....rules"
Ok people. I really love the fight scene in this movie. Sure, the rest of the movie was only semi-entertaining, but the grand finale had the best monster of all time, King Ghidorah(The original, alien version) versus at least 10 of Earth's own radioactive monsters. I would buy this movie for the final fight scene ALONE! Widescreen? YES! I'm in heaven! This movie is NOT for everyone and most people say it is "Stupid".....but if you are a TRUE fan......then just watch the final fight scene! Japanese Monster Movies rule!

"The Godzilla WWW Blast Bash!"
If you like cheesy japanese monster movies with scattered plot lines and absolutely no regard for physics; this DVD is for you! I loved it as a kid and had even more fun seeing it as an adult. A great geek bash disc!

On the downside; it is an average DVD release. There are no chapter skips for those snacktime pauses. In addition, the dubbed voices aren't the original dubbed voices, but, hey, they're still out of sync. ^_^

Recommended for all hardcore Godzilla fans, but only four stars for the average DVD quality.

"5 star movie, 1 star DVD edition"
This was the best of Toho's monster flicks from the 60's. Destroy all Monsters is a battle royale featuring all your favorites; Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, Barugon, Ghidrah and more. Evil aliens attack the earth, cities are leveled, tanks are squashed, roman candles are fired at rubber monster suited guys smashing their way through miniature cities, and it's it's all in vivid colorful widescreen TOHOSCOPE! Now THAT'S entertainment.

My only complaint are with the DVD itself, not the movie. The old familiar AIP version from the 60's had a completely different cast of voice dubbing actors, actors I recognized from many other Toho flicks of the era. Because of this, the DVD has loses much of its' nostalgic appeal. The new dialogue is also much stiffer and corny than the original AIP version. There are no extras on this DVD either, not even a chapter search. To view a particular scene, you must speed through the entire movie! Unacceptable. This bargain basement edition is a poor way to present a classic movie such as this. I'll stick to my VHS copy taped off tv 15 years ago.

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