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Destroy All Monsters
Director: IshirĂ´ Honda
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Letterbox
Format: Color
Audience Rating: G (General Audience)
Running Time: 90 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2000-02-22

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"Godzilla, King Ghidorah, and Baragon, OH MY!"
Oh my cod, this is it! A real Godzilla movie! After seeing the disappointing "Godzilla" from the "Independence Day" crew in 1998, I went back to Godzilla's roots and saw this 1968 classic. Godzilla, and several other monsters such as Rodan, Mothra, Baragon, Varan, Gorosaurus, and Aspiga have been imprisoned on "Monster Island." Aliens show up and bust out the giant captives. Uh-oh, there goes humanity! Monsters destroy some of the world's largest cities like New York, Moscow, and Beijing. Another bonus is King Ghidorah, Godzilla's arch nemesis (like Ernst Stravo Blofeld is to James Bond), is recruited by the aliens! SEE THIS MOVIE! It's a real treat (like a blackberry danish!) It proves that special effects of today don't make a movie great! To prove my point even further, compare this to 1998's "Godzilla" or compare the 1950's classic "War of the Worlds" to "Independence Day." YOU'LL SEE THE DIFFERENCE!

"There's a party and everyone's invited!"
In the future (well . . .) all the monsters in the world have been rounded up and contained on Monster Island. Godzilla is here, as well as Rodan, Mothra, Varan, Manda, Spigas, Baragon, Minya, Angillas, Gorosaurus and all the rest. Honest! This sluggathon has everyone! It must be seen to be believed. As I was saying, some maelevolent aliens gain control of the monsters and send them off to destroy the world. When the good guys set them free, they send Ghidrah, the three-headed monster (for old times' sake probably) is sent to exterminate them all. All the monsters must then get pscyched and defend the world. The only shade of dissapointment in watching this film is that Ghidrah, for once, is the object of sympathy, as he is grossly overmatched. I wish the aliens had sent someone else down to help him. Oh well, Gigan doesn't arrive on the scene for another 4 years at most.

"By Mothras great wings, this is the best monster movie ever!"
This is the greatest monster-movie-epic-battle ever!!! As the golden scaled King Ghidorah returns to Earth, the Kilaaks enslave a bunch monsters to destroy the world!!! Featuring the Big-G, Rodan, samurai warrior of the skies, Mothra, the giant, winged goddess, Anguirus, the giant, spiky-shelled reptile, and a handful of others (Baragon, Gorosaurus, Minya, and others). This is the greatest Toho/Godzilla picture ever!!!!! Every G-Fan should have this movie sitting on their shelves at home!! LONG LIVE GODZILLA!!!!!!!!! Gravity beams and radiactive rays flying everywhere, whirlwinds and super-strong gusts of winds flinging everything everywhere, and a dozen monsters make this an awesome movie (And a heck of a lot better than Godzilla '98!)!!!!!!!!!!

"The ultimate Japanese monster movie."
Ghidorah returns and Godzilla, plus just about every monster he has ever encountered, must team up to stop him. Excellent monster mayhem. The final showdown has to be seen to be believed.

"One of Godzilla's best!"
This one's got it all! Godzilla, Minya, Rodan, Angilas, Mothra, Gorosaurus, Baragon, and Manda are imprisoned on an island in the pacific in 1999 when aliens free the monsters, and take control of the monsters, and loose them individually on the world's major cities, and then all of them on Tokyo. If Earth dosen't surrender, the aliens will destroy all of mankind! Then the humans take control of the monsters and turn them against the aliens. However, the aliens bring out King Ghidorah to fight off the monsters. One super cool movie! A little corny in some spots, but the overall coolness makes up for it! One of the best of the entire series!

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