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Riki-Oh - The Story of Ricky Director: Ngai Kai Lam Number of Items: 1 Format: Color Audience Rating: R (Restricted) Running Time: 90 minutes Studio: Media Blasters Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2000-09-05 Buy from Amazon |
From Amazon.com One of the most absurdly violent films ever made, this outrageous comic book of a movie is short on style but makes up for it in sheer audacity and excess. Brooding street kid Ricky Ho (Fan Siu Wang, playing the part of avenging angel with self-righteous earnestness) walks into the corrupt corporate prison system with superpowered martial arts skills and proceeds to punch his way through every bullying thug and sadistic guard who comes his way. Literally. His fist puts a gaping hole through the stomach of a giant sumo-wrestler-sized thug and the jaw of a pompadoured bully, and turns the skull of a pathetic guard into a bloody stump. As Ricky becomes a hero to the downtrodden prisoners, the assistant warden (who keeps breath mints in his removable glass eye) organizes the dreaded "gang of four," the cell block gang leaders, to take Ricky down. Fat chance! There's nothing realistic about the bone-shattering, blood-splattering spectacle of crushed heads and snapped limbs, but the unrestrained display becomes so preposterously grotesque it hardly matters. You'll be convinced that the "Oh" in Riki-Oh stands for "Oh my God, did I really see that?" Yes, Ricky really does tie a sliced tendon with his teeth, a thug cuts open his gut and uses his own intestines to strangle Ricky, and the warden (for no apparent reason) puffs himself up into a giant rubber ogre. Ricky's curvy, feminine nemesis Rogan is played by Yukari Oshima, the butt-kicking, all-woman star of Angel and others. --Sean Axmaker From Description When mild-mannered Ricky takes revenge on the drug pushing thugs who killed his girlfriend, he is sentenced to a maximum security prison. Within these walls lies a penitentiary like no other, run by a host of evil characters. A sadistic warden, his sniveling assistant, and the powerful Gang of Four all control the inmates through terror and brutal death! |
![]() The story of ricky has got to be one of the most absurd and goriest film to come out of Hong Kong. Even though there isn't any long fight scenes since Riki-Oh gets to punch his way through prison gaurds or any one that gets in his way the film is deffinently one of the most insane Kung fu films I have ever seen. The blood and gore is so over the top that it seems to rival the level of violence in films like Peter Jackson's dead alive and the toxic avenger, scenes like one of the fat prisoners getting his stomach sliced open and his guts spilling all over the place will tell you imediatley what type of film your watching, as the film progresses it gets increasingly more violent as heads are being smashed in and limbs are hacked off you also get an evil prison warden that has a gun with exploding bullets and a meat grinder that well you'll just have to see it for your self, the gore scenes are plentyfull and it is definently not for the weak of stomach but then you will realise its not be taken seriously as some of the scenes are un-intentionaly halarious like Ricky Oh's girlfriend comiting suicide by jumping of a roof while attempting to escape from the drug dealers, nice one. The story of Ricky was based on a popular Japanese manga or comic book and as you can see from the original trailer the scenes were taken from the comic book exactley with all the nauseating detail, the story takes place in a high maximum security prison in the year 2001 in the future, Riki-oh is one of the prisnors that gets incarcerated for killing one of the drug dealers out of revenge for killing his girlfriend, Riki-oh soon gets to confront the corrupt prison gaurds and assistent warden who has a hook replaced in his arm and one glass eye that contains mints, yep thats right mints he also gets to drag prisoners from there mouths with his hook. There is also a flash back scene that shows us how Riki-Oh's uncle or as Riki likes to call him uncle ghost trains Riki-Oh and tells him about his super human strength. If that wasn't enough we also get the gang of four that seem to discipline prisoners by torturing them or killing them in gruesome ways like ripping there faces of. Anyway if you like your films to be ultra gory in a funny way then you should deffinently check out The story of Ricky, I must have watched this film alot since I had bought it last year it was definentley good. ![]() Riki O is as said before one of the most over the top gory films ever, and yes it looks absoulutley unrealistic and fake as...eheh I'll stop righ there. So lets get to it... When mild mannered Ricky takes revenge on the drug pushing thugs who killed his Girlfriend he is sent to some maximum prison which is run by a host of evil characters including a sick sadistic warden, his assistant, and The Gang of Four which are a group of powerful fighters who control their fellow inmates. The rest you must see for yourself... The story is not that great and is pretty average. I only got this cause a guy at some Anime Expo told me this is a great Gore film so I decided to give it a hoot. After watching this film I must say it in someways is one of the worst films but also in the way it's some hardcore cult fun(I know that makes no sence but what the hey!) Ricki Oh as most people have said it is pretty wierd. And what makes this wierd is its oh-so funny dubbing especially Ricki who sounds just like Michael Jackson. The movie is pretty gory. For one example he punchest through a guys throat and into his mouth causing some hole in it which causes the guy to ooz up blood and all that yadi yada. The film is pretty gory but If I had to range it from 1 to 10 I would give it a 2 cause it is soooooo unrealistic. Still this is a pretty violent movie I mean heads are blown off, body's are broken, stomach are punched through causing massive blood and ect,Eyes are punched out of peoples faces, stomachs are cut open and intestince are used as weapons, Arms sliced off and there's more I can tell you but I'm to lazy to type it down. Overall I enjoyed Ricki Oh but the film had lots of flaws,horrible dubbing, fake Violence but is made up for that from its great yet stupid action and pretty average yet laughable story and dialoug and that's why I give it a 3.0 out of 5...this film was sooooo clost to getting a 2.9... If you can look past the really fake violence and funny dubbing you'll enjoy this film just as much as I did. Lates ![]() Set in the not-so-distant future, Prisons have became commercialized and franchised by the government. A young man named "Riki Ho" has been sent to a large maximum security prison for manslaughter, there are plenty of hellish things going on like the evil warden, the assistant warden and a deadly gang of foursome murdering and terrorizing the inmates including smuggling drugs. It's up to Riki to use his superman-esque superhuman strength to literally punch through the enemies and save the good prisoners. This 1992 Science Fiction/horror/martial arts/fantasy from Hong Kong and Japan is a wild and outrageously gory-as-hell flick. It has build up a huge cult following and it's one of my top 130 favorite movies of all time since i first saw it on Video in 2000. There are definitely some amazing martial arts sequences, a hilarious English dubbed soundtrack, and tons of gore galore in a ride that may not be for the squeamish. The DVD certainly has a very good transfer with great sound that contains the English dub soundtrack with original Cantonese & Mandarian soundtrack, theatrical trailer including to some Hong Kong flicks, a synopsis on the film and bio page. I highly recommend this movie to fans of "Kill Bill", martial arts, horror, fantasy, sci-fi and gore flicks. Also recommended: "Battle Royale", "Ichi The Killer", " Versus", " The Evil Dead", "Evil Dead 2", "Re-Animator", "Day of the Dead", "Total Recall", "Starship Troopers", " From Dusk Till Dawn","Videodrome", "Scanners", " The Toxic Avenger", "Demons", "Rabid Grannies", "Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2", " Akira", " Ghost in The Shell", "Ninja Scroll", " Cemetery Man", " Nightmare City", " Hell of the Living Dead", " Mad Max", "Road Warrior", " Terminator 1 & 2", " The Fly ( 1986)", " Texas Chainsaw Massacre part 2", "Maniac ( 1980)", "I Spit on Your Grave", " Rats: A Night of Terror", " Enter the Dragon", " The Green Mile", " Bio-Zombie", " Robocop", " Nightmare on Elm Street series", "Cannibal Ferox", "Cannibal Holocaust", "Jungle Holocaust", " Eaten Alive!", " Hero", "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon", " Blade Trilogy", " The Running Man", " Blood Diner", " Last House on The Left", " House on The Edge of the Park", "Cool Hand Luke", H.G. Lewis movies, "Fist of the North Star" (Animated), " Violence Jack", " Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend". ![]() Its great!! The sheer outrageousness of the whole film is what makes it work. Heads explode, limbs get pulled off as well as entire faces - Then it gets more violent! And the over the top villians lik the cannibal Assistant Warden - PRICELESS! Buy it for the "Meat Grinder" scene at the end alone! ![]() I was introduced to this movie by my girlfriend...she's a fan of outrageous and ridiculous violence. Hmm, lol. First off, anyone looking for a serious hyper violent kung fu movie look elsewhere...those looking for some silly hyper violent kung fu action, you've found your Holy Grail. What Riki-Oh comes off to me is a parody of all the movies that take themselves too seriously. It's a movie you expect the actors to crack up when delivering lines but they keep that straight face, which confounds you even more. It's what you'd get if you combined Van Damme, Street Fighter (the video game or the cheesy Van Damme flick), DBZ, and lets not forget the most important quality...a heavy dosing of over dramatic acting ala William Shatner. What you come out with is extreme outrageousness that can only be best described as "Fantastic". This movie has no logic to it, and that's not to be insulting...so don't look for anything to make sense. Just have fun :) |