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Samurai X - The Motion Picture (Rurouni Kenshin)
Actor: Samurai X
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Animated
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Running Time: 90 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2001-03-27

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"A simple History lesson"
I Havent seen this movie but theres's a moron on this page who thinks he knows what hes talking about. Sailor red needs to brush up on his history. There is no such thing as a rurounin and it doesnt mean wanderer and the description on his part is a pure guess, ronin is closest to the meaning which means masterless samurai. It just erritates me when people pretend to know something but in reality fall short of a fool.

"Liker's of the Rurouni Kenshin Series Beware!!!!!"
You can read the Editorial Review to see what the movie is about.
------------On to the more important part-------------
If you are a big fan of the Rurouni Kenshin tv series it would be greatly advised that you NOT see this movie. For the most part it would be a great waste of your time & money. All the voices are different except for maybe Karou. The plot is as thin a piece of rice paper. There is only ONE decent fight scence that you see in the beginning of the movie, but it gets really boring after the fifth time they run it. The characters do things in the movie that are uncharacteristic of what is already set for in the series(i.e. Kenshin trying to stab a guy in the face with his reverse-blade sword while they fight). The movie really has no bearing on the series or the OVA's so you won't be missing much. The OVA's and the Series are AWESOME, so purchase those, but if you totally have to see it, don't say I didn't warn you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Samurai X - Director's Cut"
i have actually watch the movie, what i think its that this movie is really not related to the series or the OVA. I like the series so i bought the whole set of it, including the OVA and Movie. What i actually wanted to know is that, does this Movie have a Director's Cut version? as i would much prefer to watch the Director's Cut version rather then the normal one. Well, If any One knows please do e-mail me at SHARONTKT101@HOTMAIL.COM

Thanx a Million~!

"It's ok"
This is a sort of boring movie. I really expected Kenshin and Kauro to go farther in their relationship, like maybe admit that they love each other. I mean they obviously have some kind of connection like when Kauro knew that Kenshin was wounded in the final battle and how she keeps on caring for him even though he has done bad things in the past. Also some things were unaccurate. Isn't that police cheif dead? And if Kenshin is really 28 than why does everyone call him a kid or boy? I know he is short but this really had unrealistic heights. And doesn't Kenshin believe that Cyto is dead? I'm assuming that ths is set after he beats Shishio because Sano uses the Futainokiwaga or whatever it is. And since when is Kenshin that vulnarable? He is the Battosai! He would never let himself get kicked in the stomach or anything like that. But I'm still glad that there was at least one more Kenshin anime!

"Has not seen Series, but Appreciates this Movie"
In a mood to see some anime and samurai swordplay, I picked up this DVD having not seen any of the series. I am reviewing this film independent from the series.

From a basic standpoint, "Samurai X" gave me what I wanted to see:

-a compelling, unique, and initially mysterious main character
-some excellent fight scenes
-better than usual art work
-adequate English dubs and music
-a story that did not get in the way of the action

The initial fight scene, which takes place years before the rest of the story, really gripped me and made me want to continue on with the film. Gripping tension and excellent fighting action.

After that there was a lot of story setup where I was lost for the most part. This is probably because I never saw the series. Basically there was a civil war but some are angry with the new regime and wish to overthrow it. There is much intrigue that unfolds throughout the rest of the story as characters chose a side and then in some cases betrayed that side in the struggle.

In some cases I thought the double-crosses became too many, but the plot advanced just fine and brought about enough fight scenes.

One thing I will admit to admiring about this movie was how it moved me emotionally at some points. I felt tension when young Yahiko got trapped by the rebels. I felt a bit of sorrow in the end for Takimi and Toki. I could understand Takimi's rage at Kenshin. This was one of the strong points of the movie, and the music did a decent job of adding to the emotion.

All in all, maybe not one of the greatest movies of all time, but certainly entertaining and superior within its own genre. I recommend this to anyone with an interest in anime set in a historical samurai time period.

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