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Samurai X - The Motion Picture (Rurouni Kenshin)
Actor: Samurai X
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Animated
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Running Time: 90 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2001-03-27

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"Kenshin rocks"
This is divided into two parts, the first part pertains to those who are Kenshin fans, the second part pertains to those who are not familiar with Kenshin.

Let me start by saying that if you are a Kenshin fan, you'll want to have this movie. It shows an aspect of Kenshin's character we rarely get to see- the results of his prior days as the manslayer. While in the t.v. series Kenshin suffers in a more generic, non-specific kind of way for his past sins, that is, he doesn't see the direct results of his actions, such as the suffering of the families of those he killed, in this movie he is slapped in the face with it. He learns of the suffering first hand, from the relatives of one he had previously slain in the name of justice. This is much the same as the first movies, Trust and Betrayal. The only thing I could complain about was the difference in the voices of the English dub of the series and the English dub of this movie. While most of the changes weren't distracting, the voice of Sanosuke was absolutely horrendous to the point of distracting me. Other than that, kudos to this film for being entertaining and giving a little further development into the Kenshin character.

For those who are not Kenshin fans, this movie might be confusing. It is chock full of history and characters that are prevalent throughout the series but are not exactly things you would hear or be able to relate to in every day life. The movie is rather violent if you are not used to Kenshin, but no more so than any of the other animes out there that contain violence. Again, I would suggest watching the series first, and then trying the movies out.

Finally,Kenshin remains true to the ideal of the series, trying to resolve differences, atone for his sins and make up for the hurt he has caused in the past, to the point where he is willing to die to even the score. Kenshin is a man who is gentle and full of compassion, but can also kick butt and protect those who need protecting. He rocks in the movies just like he rocks on the series.

"Samurai X is awesome!!"
Samurai X is now my favorite anime movie. It is action packed and the animation is MAD GOOD!!!!! I garentee that you will love it, you will want to buy it yourself. So go get your copy before they run out.

Roku Saki

"This deserves more than a million stars!"
After getting pretty deep into the TV series, I searched out the rest of Kenshin's world. Fortunately, the manga is being released here. I have also seen the OVA, which explains Kenshin's past before the TV series and the manga. Then I got into the movie.

This--is--awesome! Like the OVA, it moved me in a way that few (if any) anime ever have. Unlike the OVA, there are many funny parts in addition to the depressing parts. I love it when Yahiko is told to grow up to be an honorable man worthy of respect, and he thinks of his two role models, Kenshin and Sanosuke. The look on his face when he thinks of the older pair in some of their goofier aspects is great!

The focus, however, is on the dramatic rather than the humorous. Kenshin is forced to relive a part of his life he would in all honesty rather forget, even erase. His past once again taints a relationship that otherwise would have gone smoothly, and in the end he and his new ally are forced to fight on opposite sides. Again. However, this time it ends, not with the reconciliation of the pair, but in tragedy.

The fight scenes in this movie are of the same quality you've come to expect from this incredible series. The fight between Shigure and Kenshin is just jaw-dropping! I actually said "Wow!" the first time I saw it.

Oh, and there is something I should mention. One fight is shown several times through several different angles. This fact may turn a lot of people off, but it IS important to the story. And that is (understandably) the only time he fights this particular man, so they have to keep showing the same small battle. It certainly didn't hurt me to see the same fight three or four times.

Like the series, the English dub SUCKS! I hate it! *imagines taking the dub track from the people at the studio and stomping on it* The Japanese is SO much better! Kenshin as a character is supposed to have one of those voices that could be either male or female--that is part of the whole joke surrounding the character. He is supposed to be mistaken for a teenage boy at best, a young woman at worst. However, in the English dub, he is given a definite male voice. That alone is worth burning the tape with dub track on it. But combined with the questionable talents of the other English actors...Anyway, I prefer the Japanese version, not just for the (correct) voices but also for the correct pronounciation of the names. And for the excellent subbing. The subbers actually translate the names of Kenshin's attacks. This is both good and bad, as I love to hear him say the names, but on the other hand I get to (finally) learn what those attacks really are.

In keeping with the somewhat darker tone of this movie, much of the action takes place at night or in dark buildings. What scenes are done in daylight are very well-done--these are often the more humorous scenes. Except for the battle scene: there wasn't supposed to be anything funny about that. However, when I showed it to two of my friends, they found that scene really funny for some reason. But they were also laughing during the climax of the battle between Shigure and Kenshin. Grr...

I fully recommend this to any and all Kenshin fans, though if you don't know at least a little of the backstory than this probably won't make much sense.

"The final touch needed after watching the TV and OVAs"
I'm a HUGE fan of Rurouni Kenshin, and this my favorite movie. After watching the TV series and OVAs, I needed some more Kenshin, and I bought this movie, and it was excellent. The animation is superb, the soundtrack (which I'm listening to as I write this) is a masterpiece and the story is very good (altough it has some flaws...). We all know the characters, Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanosuke and Yahiko, and we are also introduced to Shigure Takimi and Takatsuki Toki. These two characters play a big roll on this movie, specially Shigure. There's politic involved in this story, and some good (but somewhat cliched) plot twists, with the usual greediness, betrayal and last-minute realizations that you were walking the wrong path. The fighting scenes are pretty cool, involving Kenshin, Saitou (something on this later), Sanosuke and Shigure. Near the ending, Kenshin does a new move, one never before seen thats pretty cool and I don't wanna spoil it. The chronological order is a little confusing if you want to put it "within" the series, but it is safe to watch after seeing the second season. What I mean is that, like some other reviewers have said, Kenshin after the second season has "suppressed" or "overcome" his hitokkiri nature, and in this movie he was "possesed" once again by his anger. Also Saitou...well...something happens to him on the ending of the Kyoto Arc, and he still appears here, so this has something that put it after the Kyoto Arc (knowing the Amakkakeru Ryu no Hirameki and Sano's Futae no Kiwami) and other things that put it before the Kyoto Arc (the appearance of Saitou and Kenshin's manslayer nature emerging), so we'll never know for sure. Still, this is a pretty good story, with a sad but satisfiying (to me at least) ending, pretty good animation and extremly cool fighting scenes. A must buy for Rurouni Kenshin fans and fans of anime in general.

"This movie reminds me of a 90 min RK episode"
I think this movie is pretty cool. I wouldnt give it 5 stars becuase of a few quirks, like dubbing, and other things. The sotry line is great because everytime kenshin says that he is repenting for the people that he killed, you can never put a face to it. In this movie we are able to take a glimpse into the pain that his assasin days cause in the maji era. We now have an idea of what kenshin put people through. And for that i beleive that all kenshin fans should get it. But if you havent seen the seriese you can watch it too, and it will still be a great story, but then i suggest you should get the other samurai x movies trust and betrayal, then there are rourouni kenshin boxed sets you can buy if you are curious about his days as a wonderer. If you dont want to buy the seriese you can buy relfection, which has short flashbacks on the seriese and concludes the kenshin saga.

Here you have it. I think this movie is great, expect for the voice changes ( like yakkio sounding like he's 20, and Sanoske sounding like a cali surfer boy/midwest farmer)

but dont let that bother you b/c the japanese version sounds ok

happy watching!!

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