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Director: Hideo Nakata
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Anamorphic Widescreen
Format: Color, Widescreen, Dolby
Audience Rating: Unrated
Running Time: 100 minutes
Studio: Universal Studios
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2003-03-04

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will just say I read the comic book version of it first(written by the author of the original novel) and the movie is very faithful to it. There is a creepy feel to the entire movie which is very refreshing compared to Hollywood's bloodandgoreslahserfilms. BUT --
isn't it terrifying once Hayakawa realizes that showing a copy of the film to someone will save her son's life, the person she thinks of killing is her father? She works at a newspaper for heaven's sake. This seemed to me very wrong somehow and threw me very much when I read the last page of the comic book version (which I also recommend. )

"Wonderfully creepy!!!"
The japanese movie, which is the basis for the 2002 american remake is a great atmospheric movie. It shows, that a horror movie can do very well without big budget and CGI.
Here we don't have shock scenes or something frightfull jumping at the screen - the trademarks of American horror movies. What we have is atmosphere and mood turned to tne highest degree possible. In some way it can be compared to Blair Witch Project. Not the plot, but the feeling of impending doom hanging above the characters.
Ringu 2 and Ringu 0 are also interesting, adding to the story. While 2 is reminiscent of the original Ringu, it's still a good thriller, not just repetition of the same material.
The Spiral is another story. It was the first sequel for immensely popular Ringu, but dissapointed fans immensely, and so Ringu 2 was made instead. Spiral is a kind of supernatural melodrama, there is nearly no scares of any kind in this movie. You can watch it out of curiosity, but be warned that it's VERY different.

"My god"
I haven't even seen the American version yet, just this one. Yes, it's not the most "produced" movie, but it is a bit terrifying.

I'll skip a movie synopsis, you can read that in another review. What I will say is visually this movie is quite unique. The camera angles used are genius. I've rarely seen such things in film. A mere camera shot can produce such fear, such a rare thing. The colors are a little odd too, very creepy.

I was pretty impressed with it. The one scene alone, "comes out of the TV"... was probably the most scary thing I've ever seen. Worth the price of the DVD alone. Man, the eyes! Her eyes! Ack!

"Wonderfully creepy!!!"
The japanese movie, which is the basis for the 2002 american remake is a great atmospheric movie. It shows, that a horror movie can do very well without big budget and CGI.
Here we don't have shock scenes or something frightfull jumping at the screen - the trademarks of American horror movies. What we have is atmosphere and mood turned to tne highest degree possible. In some way it can be compared to Blair Witch Project. Not the plot, but the feeling of impending doom hanging above the characters.
Ringu 2 and Ringu 0 are also interesting, adding to the story. While 2 is reminiscent of the original Ringu, it's still a good thriller, not just repetition of the same material.
The Spiral is another story. It was the first sequel for immensely popular Ringu, but dissapointed fans immensely, and so Ringu 2 was made instead. Spiral is a kind of supernatural melodrama, there is nearly no scares of any kind in this movie. You can watch it out of curiosity, but be warned that it's VERY different.

"Never underestimate Sadako"
There are only a few movies of which I feel genuinely protective. Ringu is one such movie. Before I saw Ringu, I had heard talk of grown men who considered themselves tough JUMP at the thought of an unkillable enemy that ignores the glass boundry that seperates the viewers from what they view. My ignorance led me to make the ROOKIE MISTAKE of watching Ringu.......alone.

I am old enough to remember when Bruce Willis had hair but for the next few nights, I slept (well, tried to sleep) with the light on like the thumb-sucking baby it reduced me to. Every once in a while, I feel compelled to give the TV screen a reassuring tap just to make sure it's still solid.

It makes me mad that Hollywood once again encouraged America's allergic reaction to subtitles with the re-make "The Ring" which had the obligatory incidental music which dictated the expected responses long before the actual response and the treat-them-like-they're-stupid method of explaining everything so the trendies wouldn't have to do any thinking for themselves.
A thought is always more effective when you have to work it out by yourself.

Ringu is not spoilt by a corporate need to impress. It gets to the point and it works.
If any of you have only ever seen The Ring, I urge you to turn to the pure form that is Ringu, lest your minds be tainted forever

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