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Director: Hideo Nakata
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Anamorphic Widescreen
Format: Color, Widescreen, Dolby
Audience Rating: Unrated
Running Time: 100 minutes
Studio: Universal Studios
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2003-03-04

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"Ringu- asks more of the audience..."
I actually rented "Ringu" before I saw the american version.
I found "The Ring" to be dissapointing in comparison.
The settings, score, the weird video were all better in "Ringu".
I felt that "The Ring" was holding my hand, constantly flashing back to the video to remind us of plot and location. This was not necessary to anyone who is paying attention to the film. To me it felt as though it lessened the creepy factor present in the original. Finally, the climax and resolution were far more satisfying in "Ringu".

Now, first of all, I thought Sadako was much better than Samara, because:
They didn't use special effects throughout all of the Sadako sequences.
Sadako's videotape is much more scarier than the U.S. version.
Maybe this movie wasn't as scary, and I do like the U.S. versions was more enjoyable to watch, but I still did like Ringu.

"Ringu is the best!"
Ringu is definitely far superior than the American remake. It really really spooked me out, and it didn't rely on blood, gore or anything like that. The suspense, the eerie atmosphere, all those playing with your mind thrills, and not to mention the creepiest soundtrack I've ever heard, all culminate to make one really creepy movie! I had the pleasure of watching this when it was shown in cinema and trust me, Ringu on the wide screen, really has a lot of impact, compared to the small TV. The sound system is louder (imagine the soundtrack!) and the images are bigger. My friend and I were clutching one another's hand tightly in several scenes, we almost had a heart attack with the climatic scene!

If you enjoyed Ringu over The Ring (American remake) and fell in love with Japanese horror, please do yourself a favor and watch Dark Water. This Japanese horror movie will thrill you just as much.

"Horror Movies Were Never Like This..."
I did watch the re-make first, but the Japanese version blew me away. The fear I got when watching it was so strange and once the movie started... I never wanted to take it off, never wanted it to end. In the American version, you get to Morgan Range Farm and I almost switch it off. The American version tried to explain everything, and blew and hinted to us the final out come. The Japanese one didn't...

Now for the roles and story: There is a rumor going around about a cursed video, one that if you watch it a week later... you're dead. This strange rumor grabs the attention a young, pretty, divorcée, single mother- Asakawa Reiko (Played outstandingly by Nanako Matsushima). Suddenly, the rumors start to jump back at her when her niece dies of unknown causes. Reiko searches come to prove that not only her niece but also, three of her niece's friends had died all on the same day. A week after staying at a holiday resort called 'Izu'.

Reiko decides to look into Izu to see what she can find, and it's there she finds an unmarked video tape... and watches it. Indeed, it's the curse video...

Now in a panic and a race to save her life before the deadline, she calls on the support of her ex-husband Ryuji Takayama (A great job from Hiroyuki Sanada), who also watches the tape. Remaining calm, Ryuji decides to help his terrified ex-wife, and help her find out who made the tape and why.

Reiko and Ryuji suddenly find themselves on an even more stressful journey when their young son, (A small yet amazing job from Rikiya Otaka) Yoichi watches the tape.

The actors and actresses are well chosen and their performances are outstanding. The most impressing job was from the leading lady, Nanako Matsushima. She was very good at creating the character of Reiko Asakawa as a loving, protective yet fearless and brave woman that any audience could fall in love with. The chemistry that was between Reiko and Ryuji was so great and well created you could have cut it with a knife. Matsushima and Sanada were impressive at creating it... Of course I would have expected any less from such a great actor and actress.

The movie stands strong, from the mysterious start to the shocking conclusion. In my words a big 10/10! And 5 stars...

"What's the big deal"
I have never seen "The Ring", but after seeing a screening of Dark Water, due to come out in early 2005, I wanted to see what these Japanese horror stories are all about.

I have to say I wasn't impressed. Ringu offered few scares and I thought the ending sucked and was not scary at all.

I might rent "The Ring", hoping it will be scarier. I don't need special effects to be scared, but this had nothing. The video was weak, and I don't think all this hype is doing any favors. I was expecting scary and I got nothing.


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