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Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Director: Kazunori Ikegami
Number of Items: 1
Format: Animated, Color
Audience Rating: G (General Audience)
Running Time: 55 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2004-01-13

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"Sonic Anime"
This cartoon was a blast! Not only can Sonic be viewed in anime style, but this cartoon has alot of action in it as well. The only thing that the movie needed to work on were the voices, which sounded kind of [wrong] and the fact that the storyline could have been longer. In his latest adventure, Sonic agrees to help out Robotnik and save the world from a generator that could blow up The Land of the Sky, as well as former New York City (also known as Robotropolis). Could this really be another one of Robotnik's tricks, or is he telling the truth? If you really care, and really like Sonic, then just buy this cartoon.

It's not anime. I can tell you that. It represents more of Kid's WB or FOX Family than something from Japan. It's not that bad, don't get me wrong, but it needs better far. Tails kinda sounds like a Rugrat, and Knuckles sound too hick. The story line is...bad. The end battle is great, having Knuckles and Tails take turns flirting with the Presidents daughter, but the action scenes need help. Sonic appears to need help more than Tails does, and Knuckles does lots of fighing. It's reccommended for Elementary aged kids, but pre-teens may find it childish. However it goes, anyone who likes Sonic the Hedgehog video games or the animated series will find it somewhat entertaining.

"Play the video games if you want to see Sonic in action."
There is nothing wrong with converting video game characters to TV or film, just as long as it's understood that TV and film need more of a plot than video games. Racing along knocking out robotic villains might be okay if you're playing a video game, but it hardly makes a good film. The plot of this one, for what it's worth, involves Robotnik capturing a princess and tricking Sonic into going down to the underworld where a robotic Sonic is lurking. That's about it - the plot. There's nothing to make this even visually entertaining - the animation looks cheap and nasty, the same sequences are used over and over again. The vocals are terrible, with Sonic as a squawking brat, a nasal-whining Tails and a Robotnik with a laughably unconvincing Germanic accent. Basically the whole film has an "it's just for kiddies, so we don't need to put that much effort into it" feel about it. Frankly that just smacks of laziness. There are plenty of good kids' films and cartoons out there. This kind of mindless dross is fit only for the boy scouts' rifle range.

Well, it doesn't have the most creative storyline in the world...

But, it's a great movie anyway. VERRY funny. I loved seeing the characters drawn anime-style. Seeing the anime-ish expressions on their faces was hysterical!

Sure, the voices take a while to get used to, but once you do, they're actually kinda cute. (-;

Bottome line-- I reccommend this movie to any Sonic fan, of any age. I've watched it a couple times now and I love it!

its cool the voices are yah helium but there good once you get used to them there cute buy it you wont regret it

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