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Escaflowne - The Movie
Actor: Kazuki Akane
Number of Items: 1
Format: Animated, Color, Widescreen, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Studio: Bandai Entertainment
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2004-03-02

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"Talk about Boring"
I have never seen anything dealing with Escaflowne before this, so maybe for some returning fans this would be a good movie, but I HATED this anime. The story was interesting at first, but not a whole hell of a lot happened! The main woman character, Hitomi, is week and helpless in almost every scene, and she falls in love with Van less than a day after they meet, in which she has spent most of it AWAY from him. That by itself is just ridiculous.

Second, while I enjoyed the music and some of the graphics, the story does NOT live up to my standards of anime. If it weren't so bloody and several of the characters weren't highly insane, I would say it was a child's movie because it's extremely corny.

I guess I could tell you that Hitomi is suicidle, and she wants to disappear and be alone, etc. When she is pulled into Gaia, you find out just how pathetic she is as a person. She doesn't even try to attempt to defend herself in dangerous situations, she just screams "Help!" and hopes that she doesn't die before someome can save her. Van, someone from the White Dragon Clan, comes upon some dragon armor with her inside of it, and when she falls out it transforms itself into a jewel, much to Van's anger as he needs it to help fight against his brother.

Hitomi is traveling with them while Van's brother has his--well, shoot, I don't know what the white lady would be called, perhaps his sorceress--call Hitomi to her. When this doesn't quite work, a group of his men are sent to fetch her.

You get introduced to some possibly interesting characters, but they don't stay around long enough to be important to the story line, really, not unless this is supposed to have some kind of sequel. By the time Hitomi, apparently the Wing Goddess, actually gets ANY power, its only a pair of wings so she can go home.

Basically, I think this movie sucked.

"i've seen the series and i must say this is one of the..."
..most spectacular motion pictures i've seen...
spectacular animation
spectacular character relatinoship
awesome music
awesome story
A Perfect movie
simply amazinhg

"Escaflowne-The Movie"
In my opinion, Escaflowne is an awsome movie! If you are an anime lover this is the movie for you. I loved all the sword fight scenes and the characters are designed very well so go check it out.

"Minor Flaws can't bring it down"
Admittedly, I watched Escaflowne The Movie before I saw the TV series and this may change my perceptions a bit. I enjoyed many things about the movie; the animation was very smooth and detailed, the characters were interesting (though many, sadly, were not terribly deep).

After watching the TV series, the movie seemed a bit rushed and it didn't really adhere to the TV series' plot, but nonetheless I enjoyed it thoroughly. The two go together really well as a set. Additionally, the movie's boxed set had a lot of cool extras - like the soundtrack, which is excellent! The box is high quality, and doesn't easily show wear.

While some may find the story lacking at times, Escaflowne is still an enjoyable anime and well worth the purchase. I would, however, recommend that you watch a bit of it before making the investment.

"Very good movie"
I have to say I was really impressed with this movie. Especially the artwork, which was absolutely stunning. The Music CD makes it worth purchasing this set all by itself. It almost makes you feel as though you are in the unique world of Gaia.

However, at some points, it takes far too long to continue with the storyline in my opinion. For example, it captured my attention at the very beginning when Van flew in and cleaned up the guards on the ship, but then there was just a long, boring part where I was wondering why they did not edit some of the scenes. Honestly, some of my friends were literally falling asleep when we were watching it as a result. On the other hand, the movie on a whole was really well done, considering its short time.And with the exceptional(but rare) fighting scenes, I really couldn't complain.

I find it ridiculous to compare the movie to the series. Of course the series would have better character development, that is obvious.Simply because it has a much longer time for that. The same can be said for the depth of storyline. So, I don't believe it is reasonable for people to just say bluntly," The series is better." I'd say they are both special in their own way.
Personally, I liked the movie very much, and I believe it deserves the 5 stars I gave it. But, I would recommend renting it first, just in case if you have second thoughts.

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