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Moon Child Director: Takahisa Zeze Number of Items: 1 Format: Color, Widescreen Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated) Running Time: 119 minutes Studio: TLA Releasing Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2004-05-18 Buy from Amazon |
![]() This movie was awesome. When i first saw it i was like I MUST GET IT because of the people in it. I just watched it yesterday hehehe . Many people [like me] probably just picked this movie up because they're like "GACKT!!!! HYDE!!! YEEEE!!!" Hehe but yeah it is actually a pretty good movie, surprisingly!!Especially since many other reviews said it was bad. [grr] The fact that Hyde plays a vampire makes this gangster action movie different from others. The fight scenes were pretty cool! But nothing really new but it was still kewl. Sometimes funny! I really like this movie a lot !!! Um yah, Ohhh at the end right, deng its so sad!!! I think i was crying!! Yeah even my dog was crying. Well, this movie was about a guy named Sho [gack-sama!!!] who meets this vampire named Kei [hyde!!!] . Then they meet this other guy but then when they get separated they end up on conflicting sides. Then yeah i dont want to give away the ending. I thought the acting would suck but it was pretty okae!! Gackt and Hyde are so hot in thie movie. You might get distracted a little hehe :D Just buy it!!! Ya!! Support Gackt & Hyde!!! ![]() Gackt? HYDE? If just the mention of their names doesn't make you go out and buy this, well...but it really is a great movie. Once I heard that Gackt was in a movie I had to get it immediatly. No money wasted either! Hyde and Gackt are both sooooooooo cool that all the fangirls (and guys)will be screaming til they die just from the sound of their voices. They sing, too! How's that for starters? Anyway, the story rocks and the acting is just plain awsome. All the actors are so perfect! Gackt and HYDE are totally awsome. I wasn't a fan of HYDE before, frankly I used to be into Dir en Grey and Malice Mizer and stuff, but my friend and I became obsessed and she is just in LOVE with HYDE you should see her. Those of you who are less devoted, HYDE was in L'Arc~en~Ciel and in connection with anime he did the opening for Fullmetal Alchemist. This really is a great movie. I didn't say much on the story (not that I need to, Gackt helped write it)but if you've got the money then buy this right now! ![]() Ok...first I looked at this movie on here a long time ago when my friend first mentioned Gackt to me...long before I had heard any of his songs. I read the blurb...which is soo wrong by the way, and I was all meh! But then...I started to listen to Gackt and I fell in love with him and his violinist You. Sadly...You wasn't in this. But, I think Hyde was a great choice for Kei. If you ever get the chance to see the concert dvd of Gackt's The Sixth Day & Seventh Night tour, do. In it you will see more of Gackt's amazing ability to make me cry. Because I cried at the end of Moon Child. Bring a box of tissues with you when you watch the movie. I liked the chracters of Sun and Ye-Chi, but they weren't my favorite. When I saw the movie, I was hoping for more hinting towards a Kei/Sho romance but sadly it was not to be. Anyway, my point is...if you have the chance to see this...take it. You will not be disappointed... ![]() This is basically just a "shoot 'em up" ganster film, but with a twist: A group a people who live by the gun meet under unusual circumstances. They become close friends then, because of their violent life-styles, end up throwing their lives away, and even end up pitted against each other. The twist is that one of the main characters just happens to be a vampire. He doesn't necessarily go hunting for blood or avoid being hunted by slayers--he's just a faster, stronger ganster who doesn't go outside on a day of lovely weather. The first half of the movie had some cool gun fights, but after that, things started to get boring. There was no tangible driving force behind the story, and I kept wondering, "Where is this movie going?!" It could have instead been a story about a man who's thirsty, but never bothers to fetch himself a glass of water and therefore dies of thirst, and the plot progression would have been just the same. Watching this film felt like watching a live-action manga--the kind that *might* fare well as a comic book or animated short, but doesn't carry over well to live-action. If you're looking for a good gansger film, see "A Better Tomorrow" instead, or for a cool vampire movie, watch the first "Blade." ![]() I was VERY pleased with this film *(And no...not JUST with Gackt.)* When I first picked this up at Blockbuster, I had only JUST got into the JROCK/POP scene, so I had no idea who Gackt or Hyde was. I feel I was lucky in that respect only because I was able to focus on the movie itself and not only the stars. This movie has become my personal favorite and seeing that I was renting it for weeks in a row, I decided to buy it:) I am proud to say I have watched it so much, I have no need for the subtitles anymore..hehe...a total of 56 to be exact. Some times I just play it for the background noise and to peek in from time to time. Direction was fabulous, acting was great and the story itself was heartwarming and breaking all at the same time. |