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Inu-Yasha - The Movie 3 - Swords of an Honorable Ruler
Directors: Megumi Yamamoto, Yasunao Aoki, Masashi Ikeda, Naoya Aoki
Number of Items: 1
Format: Animated, Color, Dolby
Audience Rating: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Running Time: 100 minutes
Studio: Ventura Distribution
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2005-09-06

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"best yet!!!!!!! ^.^"
i rateted this a 5 for a reson...... CUZ IT WAS GREAT!!!!!! DUH!!!
*spoiler ahead*....*sorry... u cant stop me...*
ok if u like miroku and sango romantic stuff well u got to see this!!!!*but kinda a small part* its the most bloodyest but a great movie!! well miroku is about to use his wind tunnal on these bad guys wich are filled with miasma (poisen) and sango said "miroku... dont do it!!" and miroku said "what use is this cures if i cant use it to protect the woman i love" and sango said "oohh miroku...*blushes*" well its pretty blody so id rent it or sumin to see if u like it ^_^

"Not that impressed"
This installment of the series had a lot going for it. Every scene was beautifully concieved and animated, and storyline is darker and much gorier then Inuyasha has gone before. Keeping this in mind, the first half shows a lot of promise. It's when Sounga gains a new host that the movie really starts to slow down. This has been hailed as "the" big fight between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. I enjoy seeing them fight as much as the next Inuyasha fan, but we get to a point where every scene is them fighting and has very little to do with Sounga. I understand they're trying to convey that the brothers simply will not get along, but it's 1 hour and 45 minute movie, and seeing the same thing over and over and over within that time is kind of annoying. The same goes with the fight scene at the very end. The Backlash Wave doesn't work once, okay, maybe that's a fluke. It doesn't work twice, maybe you need to consider a different attack, not do it three more times and hope it works. Inuyasha may not be the brightest thing there is, but he's not that stupid. And the overall plot with Izayoi's spurned lover is kind of confusing toward the end. If he didn't resent her, why did he kill her in the first place?

I'll be honest, the fact that this didn't have Naraku in it knocked this one down a peg or two in my book (however, excessive use of zombies really made up for that). While the visuals were stunning, this one simply didn't grab me like the first and second movies did.

"good movie"
This movie is just as good as the second one, if not better.

"Excellent 2nd sequel to a great anime series"
Having seen the first 2 movies on DVD, I'm happy to report that this one is just as good, if not better then the first two; in all areas: animation, acting and story.

If the first movie was about a love that crossed the bounds of time and the second was about teamwork and something alongs those lines, then the third is about feuding brothers and them having to work together to save the world.

Everyone knows the story for the film by now; either by the earlier reviews or by various other means, so I won't reiterate it. It works for the most part but unfortunatly doesn't truely advance the main story like say the Star Trek and most of the Gundam films do.

If it wasn't for the filler nature of the whole affair I would give it 5 big stars but as it stands, I give it 5 stars minus 1 star.

"really disappointed"
after hearing so many good reviews for this movie, i was filled with a lot of excitement to see it. but after i finished i felt so disappointed because it didn't live up to the hype. and those people that give this movie a five and say that this is the best inuyasha movie are just saying it because they are this series' fans!

i do not recommend this to anyone except if you are an inuyasha fan.

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