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Pokemon the First Movie - Mewtwo vs. Mew
Actors: Veronica Taylor, Rachael Lillis, Eric Stuart (III)
Directors: Michael Haigney, Kunihiko Yuyama
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Academy Ratio
Format: Color, Animated, Dolby
Audience Rating: G (General Audience)
Running Time: 96 minutes
Studio: Warner Home Video
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2005-02-08

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"The Lousiest Movie on Earth"
If you are planning to buy this DVD, don't! It's a total waste of money. This was obviously just to make more money. In fact, Pokemon the Movie is a pathetic flop. Even Mission Impossible 2, which is also bad, would be better.

"Almost very annoying."
I lked "Pikachu's Vacation" more than "Mewtwo Strikes Back", i give "Pikachu's Vacation" ***, while i gave Mewtwo strikes back, *1/2, the result, is **1/2 stars, "Pikachu's Vacation" altough it's very simply made it's well done, the only problem withit, is that there is no plot, and no subtitles to know what exactly what the characters are saying, while in "Mewtwo Strikes Back", the plot is dumb, they are stone characters, the jokes almost don't work, and well it was VERY "OVERMADE", perhaps if the "Mewtwo Strikes Back", had a plot about a tournament, better jokes, and more things it would have been far better good. ...if Hayao Miyazaki, or Isao Takhata would have written the story, it would be far better good.

"Good movie"
People say this movie was bad but that isn't true. Very good movie. The moral is sort of right there in your face but that is because it was suppose to be that way. The movie was made for the children not for the teenagers like in Japan. So if you are 10 and up you may not like this movie even is you say you "love pokemon". In the US the show is edited a little becasue it is for young children just the movie is editied and chaged up. If you are looking for a ton of battles you won't get it in this movie. There is one big battle scene but non of the pokemon use their powers, but the just tackle or hit each other. If you are going to buy the movie let me just say you should have seen it in the theatre where it was a lot more fun to watch. If you like watch the show for the characters and the story line then you will like this movie. If you only watch the show because there is fighting between pokemon or because you sort of like it you won't like the movie. RENT IT FIRST is all I have to say if you aren't sure about buying it because you either like the movie or don't, that is the bottom line. Well I like the movie and i watch it occasionally. *For the children and teens who really do like pokemon and don't care what others think are the ones who will stay young at heart forever. Even when the teens and children are grown and pokemon has ended a small part of the show and all of its characters will live on in all of them...I know it will in me...

Let's start with the whole story before, during, and after the Pokemon realese, it was announced on the first days of October, it looked preety cool, like if it was going to be one of the best anime film of all time, well, then i go too see it, and oh boy!, what a dissapointment, the plot is horrible, horrible, "Fue horrible, horrible" as a mexican comedian called Eugenio Derbez says in his show, the animation regular, the humor, horrible, there was nothing of humor!, everything was bad, except the message, it's terrible, you rather watch the cartoon, it's the kind of film that i would say,"AHH!, YA CALLATE, CALLATE QUE ME DESESPERAS!" a character called Quico, in Chespirito a mexican comedy show says.

"Pokemon the obsession"
Pokemon is a cute kiddy anime. The movie is a one hit wonder. I would recommend that you rent this film before you buy it. I'm very neutral towards pokemon. I can't hate or love it. I watch the show off and on. If you have kids who are obsessed with this show only buy the DVD movies. The episode tapes are a waste of money!

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