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Pokemon the First Movie - Mewtwo vs. Mew
Actors: Veronica Taylor, Rachael Lillis, Eric Stuart (III)
Directors: Michael Haigney, Kunihiko Yuyama
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Academy Ratio
Format: Color, Animated, Dolby
Audience Rating: G (General Audience)
Running Time: 96 minutes
Studio: Warner Home Video
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2005-02-08

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"Not that great."
Im a little too old to watch this Japanese Animation but I love a great laugh and the cute pokemon, but I hated this movie. I've seen it in japanese with english subtitles before the movie came to the states, and It was better since they didn't edit anything out. But I'd wish It had more of a story line and funnies.

"A Really Bad Movie"
This was the singular most poorly made movie I have ever seen in my entire life. My younger brother wanted to go see it, and so I brought one of my friends who likes Pokemon to come and check it out with the rest of us. Before the actual movie there is a shorter one, Pikachu's Vacation, and that was alright. It did rather drag on, though, and even my friend got bored half-way through, and he's not one to have a short attention span. The actual movie, when it started, was the most sacrany, goody-goody, we-should-all-love-each-other children's flick I've ever had the misfortune to encounter. All children's movies have an undertone of such, but to come right out and preach a sermon about it as this movie did made me want to leave the theater, and I probably would have if my friend hadn't been there to make fun of it's stupidity. It does have it's audiance, which is kids up to about the age of ten, but anybody over that age will not enjoy this movie at all.

"Good, but could do without "Pikachu's Vacation""
I haven't ever watched the Pokemon cartoon that much, but I didn't want to miss the chance to see the movies. While I was watching this movie, I thought for awhile that it was gonna just be a bunch of different cartoons because the first part of the movie is a cartoon called "Pikachu's Vacation" that's only about 20 minutes long. Then the "Mewtwo Strikes Back" finally came on.

In "Mewtwo Strikes Back," some scientists clone and create Mewtwo, which becomes the strongest Pokemon of all. What the scientists don't realize is that Mewtwo is psychic. Mewtwo gets real upset and wants to be ruler of all Pokemon and humans. Pikachu and the rest of the Pokemon crew must find a way to stop Mewtwo from becoming ruler of the world.

"Pokemon The First Movie" is a good movie. It has good effects for a cartoon movie and once it gets to "Mewtwo Strikes Back," it will keep your interest. The only drawback I saw in the movie was that I didn't really see the point of including "Pikachu's Vacation" at the beginning of the movie. Not that it's bad, but I just didn't see the point in it. It would be better if it was just "Mewtwo Strikes Back." If you like watching a good cartoon movie every now and then, or if you're a fan of Pokemon, you should like this movie.

THE perfict movie 4 all pokemon trainers any age 1-100>> one of the best movies eeeeaver with extra features including m2m music video, and story of mew and mewtwo origin ,and 4 non pokemon wachers alook at the pokemon story,>> other great features>>>>>and the best picer and sound u will ever see and hear////

"Lost in the Translation"
I gotta tell you...The Japanese version is much better... Now, don't start judging my review because I said the word Japanese. It really is better. What was an originally dark and suspenseful movie has become over-emotional and darn right goofy movie. It makes me mad that the WB was totally cheap in the production. They wouldn't pay the bit extra for the better Japanese music, which is now replaced with very inappropriate music. For example, the final battle(in the Japanese) had exciting battle music, but it was replaced in the dub by the horribly unfitting, brother my brother song..It was a totally different mood! And it was worse... Secondly, the dialogue. The whole Mewtwo hating humans was wrong. In the original, he didn't hate humans, he was just misguided. They really over-emphasized that fighting is wrong part as well. Corny dialogue such as "A fight to Death! A fight that can never be won!" was inserted. Lastly, they cut out a lot of stuff from the original. About 15 or so minutes! One semi-good thing I can say about the movie is that the animation was toned up every so slightly. In conclusion, I'd like to say that it's the little things that butched this movie from the original. Why create a new script for a movie that already has a script written for? Why compose music for a movie that has a complete CD devoted to the backgroud music? (The original sounded very much like Gunadm Wing music which is awesome) And haven't you noticed that Pokemon has deteriorated ever since WB got their hands on it? This is a prime example of how the WB mistreated Pokemon. Watch the Japanese version subtitled in English!!

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