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Samurai X - The Motion Picture (Rurouni Kenshin)
Actor: Samurai X
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Animated
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Running Time: 90 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2001-03-27

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"action, a rated R movie, not for kiddies (by Joey)"
if you hate action you'll hate this, but action fans get it. the begining is over did. Himaru Kenshin, Sagara Sanosuke,Yaheako (yahiko), & Karou (Karu). Images when he was Bat'tosai (over did part)!! I liked the japanese voices. Uncut it is. 17+ for EXTREME violence, Alchol & Tobacco, Blood & Gore, & Minor Profanity. (Internet lies,trust me, I rented it.)

I watched this last night, and although the animation was GREAT, it was so dull and boring. I almost fell asleep through it three times, and I couldn't WAIT for it to be over. Two stars out of five for the beautiful animation.

"samurai x movie"
this movie is of fantastic quality and idea; but it seems more of an episode serial than a real, live movie. For instance, characters like saitoh just keep popping up, having so significance stability to the movie; but all in all it is impressive.
When Kenshin Himura was Hitokiri Battosai, he happened to kill a man named Gentatsu of the iwano group opposing the meiji government. Kenshin; after his reformation meets a man named Shigure Takimi; Gentatsu's friend who takes care of Gentatsu's siter, Toki. Shigure blames himself for Gentatsu's death having not listened to him and sent him for another mission and feels even more horrible having witnessed Gentatsu's death; but Shigure doesn't recognize Kenshin. Shigure, meanwhile in order to honour all those who died, like Gentatsu for the cause commands a band of rebels. Th rebels oppose the corrupt Meiji government and consist of either those who lost loved ones in the Bakamatsu or those who survived it; but his right-hand man conspires against him with the captain of the Japanese police; Tamano. Meanwhile, during a fight with the police, Kenshin has no choice but to fight Shigure and Shigure identifies his fighting style as the one which, killed Gentatsu. Hence, later after the rebels' defeat, Kenshin goes to meet Shigure and settle the score bloodlessly. Shigure and Kenshin fight; and end up wounding eachother before Kenshin menitons Toki, who loves Shigure and how he has made her cry. He mentions also that Gentatsu would not want Toki to cry. This seems to get to Shigure, who gives up; and lets Toki tend to his wounds while promising her to give himself up to the authorities. But his right-hand man's fellow conspirator, Tamano betrays him and shows up with a bunch of cannons and starts killing the defenceless fighters. They aim at Toki and in order to save her, Shigure jumps in front and takes five bullets and dies.
Kenshin is outraged and has that yellow gleam in his eyes to indicate he is battosai mode. He attacks Tamano just when General Yamagata comes to command the troops and we last see Toki crying over Shigure's dead body.
The ending is quite nice, really. Toki goes to Shigure's hometown to bury his belongings and she wants her schoolchildren(Shes a teacher) to dream like Shigure of a world without bloodshed and we see Kenshin looking up at the sky and saying, "So what about it, Gentatsu? The sky should always go high and be blue, no matter waht."

"Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This movie was cool!Ilike it in english not japenese!Whoever the person is that picked the person to play Kenshin in the japanese version you should have checked the voice twice!In th japanese version Kenshin sounded like a girl.I hated it in japanese!Anyone who thinks different whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!! that I'm done screaming in your face let me say I rented it and now I don't want to take it back.It is just so funny what Kenshin says in the begining: Gas lamps and western style buildings.I have a play it now and I recorded all the funniest parts.I don't want to see Reflection because they say Kenshin dies.Oh..... well thats life.

I don't care what anyone else says this movie was cool!The voices were cool.But I wish there wasn't the same cuss word like five times.This movie takes place after Kenshin fights Lord Shishio(I like to call him king of the living mummies).What worries me is that Kenshin gets hurt so bad.Rurouni Kenshin is the first and only Anime series I like.I like it so much that if I miss one episode I get realy mad.Anyway buy it now!

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