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Cowboy Bebop - The Movie
Actors: Beau Billingslea, Melissa Charles
Directors: ShinichirĂ´ Watanabe, Hiroyuki Okiura
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Anamorphic Widescreen
Format: Color, Closed-captioned, Widescreen, Dolby
Audience Rating: R (Restricted)
Running Time: 114 minutes
Studio: Columbia Tri-Star
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2003-06-24

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"Absolutely Fabulous."
This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I watch it every Otaku Friday. (Otaku Friday is a holiday my friend and I made up, the last friday of every month. We watch anime, read manga, eat pocky, and generally be especially geeky.)

The animation is beautiful. More so than in the series, even. I must admit, I'm partial to the parts where Faye is in Vincent's apartment-thing. Why? The lighting is great, and Faye's hair looked incredible. (^_^;) I'm always inexplicably amazed by how great the parade looks. I haven't a clue why, maybe it's the light; I really like afternoon sunlight. I've been trying to find a screenshot of the scene around the middle (I think) where it's just the city, looking *very* cool.

The music, as expected, was eargasmic. I especially loved the ending theme, 'Gotta' Knock A Little Harder.' The track played during Faye's first scene in the movie, 'Cosmic Dare,' was very fun, and so was 'Pushing the Sky,' played when the airplanes were flying. Also, I loved 'What Planet Is This?!', which was played during a very fun spaceship chase/fight scene.

The story was engaging. I'm in love with the whole idea, and they did a very good job 'telling' it.

I know people who have seen the movie and didn't even know that the series existed. That says a lot for the movie. It's not only good on the merits of the series; It really is great all on it's own.

If you enjoy enjoying things... You should buy this.

"not as groundbreaking as the show itself"
as a huge anime and cowboy bebop fan (have watched all the sessions of the show and have them all on tape)i must say i was some what dissapointed with this movie.. for one the sketching of the movie isnt the same as it is in the cowboy bebop anime series.. also the plot isnt as compelling as the ones in the show.. the main charachter vincent lacks that much charisma and the story around him isnt too interesting either.. (he cannot die because he was feed some experimental drugs during a war, so he has a upside down view of reality) to me the movie was sort of boring.. and i would never have thought that i would say that about anything concerning bebop but its a slow moving plot.. i feel like they should have had the movie center around the main characters yet the movie is centered around the bounty of vincent which isnt that interesting.. truth be told the episodes of the show are more intriguing than the movie.. however the movie does have spike, ed, eien, jet, and faye in it so the main characters lighten it up a little .. ok for a cowboy bebop fan but i dont see this movie interesting anyone that isnt a big bebop fan like the show does..

"One of the best films ever made"
This film takes an up to date problem of terror and puts it in a futuristic setting. Even if you are not a fan of japanese animation you can enjoy this film. The story is enjoyable by anybody. Anyone who has not seen this film has to be close-minded and needs to broaden their horizens and open their mind to new things. BUY THIS MOVIE!!!!!!

"A Good Appetizer"
The movie version of Cowboy Bebop is good if not better than the series itself. While the series had shorter time periods to work with, though allowing for each character to have his time, the movie fleshes out the action and emotions that didn't get exactly the justice they deserved in the tv series.

Don't get me wrong, both are great but for starters, anyone not familiar with the Bebop universe, should see the movie first, then go from there into the beginning of the series to see just how the Bebop and her crew wound up together and what their ultimate destiny's are.

The animation, english voice acting, directing, music and pretty much everything else are very top notch here. It may be one of the best adult cartoon movies you're likely to see; it's also one of the biggest hits overseas in a long time as well.

There are scenes that will make you cringe, smirk, feel melancholy and all the while I can be sure you won't want to take your eyes off until the end.

"Gotta Knock a Little Harder!"
A man who lived in dreams, that's what he was...

After being delayed for over a year, our favorite bounty hunters come to the big screen in North America. I was lucky enough to see this in a movie theater, and damn was it worth it. Sure i had to travel an hour by train to see it in Times Square, but hey, it was that good. The movie in question is "Cowboy Bebop", and as a huge fan of the series, I was definetly salivating with seeing these characters on the silver screen.

Taking place between sessions 22 and 23 of the series, the film definetly does not feel out of place or just "stuck in" but a natural part of the series' tapestry.

Halloween, 2071. The movie starts out simple enough, in a scene that establishes who Spike Spiegel is and what he does, for those who don't know, he's a Bounty Hunter. He and his partner Jet Black take down an armed robber gang as the movie opens, and then we et to the real plot.

Enter Vincent, a mysterious villain in black, who blows up a tanker truck unleashing what seems to be an airborne virus which kills dozens and hospitalized hundreds more. The government of Mars puts a 300 Million Woolong reward for his capture, and the only one who's seen him pull off this attack and could indentify him is our badass vixen: Faye Valentine. Naturally, Faye decides to go after him on his own.

Sounds simple, but this movie is a lot deeper than that. There's a lot of twists and turns, conspiracies within conspiracies as Spike ends up teams up with a former soldier named Electra (who is also hiding secrets connecting her to Vincent) to take Vincent down before he unleashes his weapon on the entire Mars population

While the entire main cast is in it, this is definetly Spike and Faye's show, which Electra and Vincent end up sharing with them. And though they don't have as much to do this go, Jet, Ed and Ein are along for the ride and have their moments in the sun.

The plot is great, the animation is just gorgious, and the voice-acting is better than most American animated series and movies. The voice-actors from the series easily fall back into their roles, and you could watch this between Sessions 22 and 23 and it plays perfectly within the series. And as I mentioned in my series review, the English dub is actually superior to the original Japanese in this case.

The DVD release was nicely done with great extras talking to the series creators, Yokko Kanno and the voice actors from both sides of the Pacific. If all you've seen is a bootleg, the DVD is easily worth the $25 to pick up. Oh, and it's just known as "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie" here in the States. Apparantly Bob Dylan's lawyers did not approve of the title.

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