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Dragon Ball Z - Lord Slug - Feature (Uncut) Director: Daisuke Nishio Number of Items: 1 Format: Color, Animated Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated) Studio: Goldhil Home Media 2 Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2001-08-07 Buy from Amazon |
![]() this one has Lord Slug comming and invadeing earth. Goku and some of the others come and try to stop him and theres an all out war. Piccolo has great moments and Goku also fighting the huge transformed Slug is a highlight. for fans and kids, though the little kids should watch the edited version ![]() this has a very quick pace, and leaves you wanting more, but with the addition of Disturbed--fear it makes a great starter for a dbz noob. the action comes very quick. bangbangboompowzap and the first guard is down, but if you like merceless mr. piccolo then GET THE FRIGGIN MOVIE cuz he has a great fright scene. 10/10 ![]() All the people who think this movie is the best is horribly wrong. This movie just [junk,] i mean, story line, plot, everything is just a mess, just slapped on all together. And the music is just out of there, it definetly does not go with the movie. Heavy metal music playing in all the wrong places. And Goku who supposably turns super saiyan is also [junk] because he lights up all red and his pupils disapear as he gets all strong. IT doesnt make sense at all. Even the extras stink, just a bunch of commercials. THe worst of the dbz movies ive seen( I am a die hard fan of dbz and have seen everything of dbz i could get my hands on and frankly this one just [smells!) ![]() This is the fourth Dragon Ball Z film. In Japan, it was released as "Super Saiya-Jin Son Gokou". When I first watched this, I was really hit with surprise when Lord Slug removed his hood and showed that he was a Namek, it just took me aback! I really liked the soundtrack, and Disturbed (which happens to be my favorite band) has two songs on this movie, Stupify and Fear. Medametcha was really weird, which made him funny, and it was pretty cool how Goku annihalated him and Angeela. Lord Slug, at first, is really old, but he gets young by wishing it from the Dragon Balls. Then he can't stop saying how amazed he is that he's young again, which, if you're like me, you might get sort of sick of after a little bit. Piccolo's fight with that gargoyle monster was really cool, I'm not exactly sure what song played during that fight scene, but it was a good one. It was also really amazing when Goku turned "Super Saiyan" (actually, he didn't, his pupils disappeared and his hair turned red) and he started kicking Slug's @$$. In conclusion, I definitely suggest you buy Lord Slug before it runs out. If you're wondering why I got it...because I love DBZ and this is a freakin' good movie! ![]() Noted mainly for the fearsome "Whistle of Doom" -- a happy, perky whistled tune that just happens to be in a pitch range that Namek-seijin simply cannot stand (imagine a thousand fingernails scraping down a blackboard) -- this is even for DBZ a pretty lightweight offering. After the Z-team deflects an asteroid from hitting the Earth, an alien craft filled with nasty but light-sensitive aliens lands on Earth and begins to cover it with dark clouds. They are led by an incredibly aged Namek who is still a very powerful warrior. When he sees a Dragon Ball, he recognizes it for what it is and has his people gather them and wishes himself back to full power. There are some decent fight sequences in this (Piccolo gets some very cool moments), but overall it's not all that great. The ending has a nice moment -- a sort of prequel of the later "fusion technique" shown in the Buu sequence -- but there are sufficient stupid or pedestrian moments which drop this back down to a so-so entertainment effort. |