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Dragon Ball Z - Lord Slug - Feature (Uncut) Director: Daisuke Nishio Number of Items: 1 Format: Color, Animated Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated) Studio: Goldhil Home Media 2 Product Group: DVD Release Date: 2001-08-07 Buy from Amazon |
![]() I really liked the beginning when Gohan and Ickeras were dancing and Piccolo was getting annoyed, it was just funny. I still can't believe that Lord Slug is a Namek, that just surprised me greatly. He's a Super-Namek who was banished from his planet because he was getting too consumed by his power. So now he's come to Earth, and it's the Z Fighters' job to stop him. I really thought it was funny when Lord Slug punched Krillin in the air and Krillin said "HE'S ALL YOURS GOKU!" In the end I bet you can guess what happens. ![]() i've saw many reviews on lord slug the movie and some think it's stupid cause it's got some kiddie stuff in it i'm gonna buy the dvd of this movie if i see it i'm gonna like it because it's dragonball z and if i ever saw gohan and higher dragon dancing in it i wouldn't care i would think it's stupid to see them dance but hey dbz has got some sillyness in it ![]() I don't understand this Super Sayian thing. I never saw any advertisements for there being any mention of Goku Turning Super Sayian. And as for someone who said the Namek turning into a giant was a stupid idea...maybe...but it did happen in Dragon Ball (before DBZ) near the end of the series when Piccolo fought Goku as Ma Junior. So its not like they just tossed that in there and hoped everyone liked it. It was something that people know Nameks can do, if they've seen DB or read the Dragon Ball Mangas. Some may not have known this since I don't think it happened at all in DBZ. I loved the idea of using the awesome heavy metal sound track in the back ground of the English cut. The way it was soft during the talking, then boomed when the action began, and I thought the fight scenes were pretty cool. Tree of might was my favorite until seeing Lord Slug. I think this movie was made pretty well. Great soundtrack, love the voice actors, the animation was better than in the earlier movies, the plot may not be origional, but at least it had a plot. Anyone who has seen the release of Angel Links, a really bad waste of money, would have to agree with me on that. I think this is a great movie for those who are DB, DBZ and DBGT fans. I agree that if you're not a DBZ fan you may not get into it, but hey, thats with any movie. If you're not a martial arts fan, why watch a Jackie Chan flick? If you don't like "chick Flicks" Why go see "Moulan Rouge"? This is just a matter of love/hate. You either have to love DBZ, or you won't like the movie. Thankfully, I LOVE DBZ!! And this movie ROCKS!! ![]() Sure, it wasn't the best of the movies, but I didn't think it was as bad as most people tend to think. The lack of yellow hair when Goku went "super sayian" was kinda goofy, but beyond that I think this one is at the very least worth watchin. ![]() If you are a DBZ fan (who has never seen the Japanese version only American like me) then you will watch this like me because hey...it's your fave show and you'll watch it no matter how [bad] it is! Because this movie IS really [bad] compared to like say "History of Trunks." But being a fan I will highlight some of the moments that are cute or entertaining: -Gohan and Icarus (his lil dragon friend) get down and dance away in front of poor Mister Piccolo! -You get to see Big Mama Chi Chi knock some baddies out and see Gohan save her butt after she gets knocked out! ^_^ -You get to see Yajirobe doing nothing as usual! *heehee* -In the course of battle, Piccolo goes earless and grows 'em back at the end! *ewww* Anyways I reccommend renting this movie, if it all possible. Only buy it if you're a crazed fan who has to get everything DBZ. ^_^ |