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Wrath of the Ninja: The Yotoden Movie
Directors: Toshiyuki Sakurai, Osamu Yamazaki
Number of Items: 1
Format: Animated, Color
Running Time: 87 minutes
Studio: Central Park Media C
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2003-07-29

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Okay, I understand that this movie is actually the Yoteden OAV series all thrown together (with 40 some minutes taken out). But I wish they did keep those 40 minutes in. First of all, the plot is so complicated that I don't even have it figured out yet. The music is horrible and the dubbing not much better but still not the worst anime I have ever seen.

"Don't waste your time"
Horrible! Confusing storyline, bad music and weak character development all combine to make this one of the worst anime movies I've seen thus far.

"Don't waste your time!"
This may not be the worst anime i have ever seen but it sure comes close. A covuluted and unbelievable plot, another weak female character and a lousy ending combine to get this film a 1 star rating! Stick with Ninja Scroll.

"Good,... but I've seen better."
When I first saw this movie in the video store I thought that the plot sounded interesting enough. And it was for about the fist half of the film. After a while the plot seemed to wane and became quite obscure as the movie went on. I will admit that the transitions from scene to scene weren't the clearest, but they weren't horrible. I have seen my share of bad anime films, but this just doesn't fit in with any of them. I think that the creators did a pretty descent job of putting this film together. But, I must admit that I did lose interest from time to time. Perhaps if they wouldn't have cut out anything from the series, I probably would have enjoyed the movie much more than I had. However many of its flaws, it still was a pretty good movie. I would definately recomend that anyone interested in this film to watch it and make your own decision.

It is my favorite anime I have. It does have corny music, but has a good storyline and action. You can tell it was edited, because new characters come out all the sudden. But other wise awwssomme.

5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 - of 15 pages

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