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The Guyver
Directors: Steve Wang, Screaming Mad George
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Closed-captioned
Audience Rating: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested)
Running Time: 92 minutes
Studio: New Line Home Entertainment
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2004-08-17

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"Batman's alien brother"
You ever have a film that you keep wanting to watch over and over again? That's what I felt when I watched this for the first time; I wanted to see it again and again.

Although some might think that the title and the movie in general is a bit campy, "The Guyver" has a magnificant history in Japanese anime. The film takes the dark anime and makes a dark and violent film with some big name B-movie actors (Jeffrey Combs and the late David Gale, for example) and created a great back bone for a sequal, and solidified that Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man weren't the only superheroes in the world.

The Guyver is a superhero for independent anime lovers and people tired of the same old "cape and cowl" or "friendly neighborbood" stuff.

"Guyver Rocks!"
Guyver got me started into anime when I was young, still my fav today cant get enough of it!

"It was ok...but the Anime are a lot better"
I remember when I was 10 I first watched this and I thought it was great then I saw the sequel which I thought was cool too. Couple years later though I saw all the anime and it was a lot better than this. If you really want to know anything about the Guyver story line, seriously stick to the Anime and Manga(which I never read but was the origin of this so it has to be better) The suits in the first and second film did look cool but it doesn't overcome the bad acting and horrible plotline they cover. It's not even scratching the surface of what the guyver has to offer. I highly suggest grabbing the Anime.

"The Anime Guyver was great but the live version [is bad]!"
I love the Anime version of the guyver. But this movie is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I mean they took a great concept like the guyver and made it into a B movie. If you have watched the anime series don't watch this movie. The backstreet boys scare me more than the monsters in this thing did. If you have watched this movie and are thinking about getting the anime series do it, its like 100x better.

I have said my peace...

"A great movie if you like cheesy scifi flicks"
I'm rating this movie as 5 stars because I love it. I'd be lying if I said this was a cool movie. It's pretty cheesy and the acting is bad, but the concept of Guyver is a great idea. Compared to the anime this movie is terrible, but if you like cheesy scifi flicks you should check it out. I like to watch it because the Guyver suit in this movie is pretty tight, and you can laugh at the movie. Unfortunately, you're not going to be able to rent it, cuz nobody carries it. If you wanna watch it, you're just gonna have to fork over the ten bucks.

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