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Samurai X - The Motion Picture (Rurouni Kenshin)
Actor: Samurai X
Number of Items: 1
Format: Color, Animated
Audience Rating: NR (Not Rated)
Running Time: 90 minutes
Studio: A.D. Vision
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2001-03-27

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Although it boasts plenty of sword fights, martial arts combat, and odd, orange blood, Samurai X offers deeper and more sensitive characterizations than typical anime samurai epics. Based on the manga by Noboru Watsuki, the film centers on questions about the nature of Japanese society during the years following the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century. Kenshin Himura and his friends Kaoru, Sanosuke, and Yahiko seem like an ordinary, slightly goofy quartet. But red-haired Kenshin is an expert swordsman; tall, lanky Sanosuke, a martial arts master; adolescent Yahiko, a samurai-in-training. Kaoru fills the role of outspoken anime heroine. An ugly encounter with some drunken British sailors introduces Kenshin and his friends to the noble Takimi Shigure and lovely Toki Takatsuki. Shigure leads a group opposed to the Meiji government, which they believe is corrupting Japanese culture, and his ill-conceived attempt at rebellion brings him into conflict with Kenshin. A key fighter in the Restoration, Kenshin received scars on his soul that mark him more decisively than the X on his cheek; he weeps for the needless bloodshed he helped to unleash. Director Hatsuki Tsuji builds subtle visual patterns of downward motions--falling tears, fluttering bamboo leaves, the deadly stroke of a sword, Kenshin's spectacular leaps--to create a film with an unusually satisfying resolution. Not rated; suitable for ages 14 and up for violence. --Charles Solomon

From Description
The war against the Tokugawa Shogunate ended years ago. But there are some who are not happy with the outcome. Shigure Takimi watched his friends and family get slashed down in the name of freedom and prosperity. Now he and a band of desparate rebels have sworn to settle one final score. Only one man stands in their way: Rurouni Kenshin. Will the former assassin take up his sword to fight again? When Shigure discovers Kenshin's true identity and his fight becomes a personal vendetta, the young hero will have no choice.

"Very Good"
The storyline in this movie is pretty good (not as good as the first 2 seasons of the TV series). The characters are just as good as the ones in the TV series in that they devloped very well and there not annoying. The video is OUTSTANDING I wish they did the TV series swords and weapons like this. The only problem with the video quality is that they make Kenshin's hair look very orange when it's red but that doesn't really matter. Just so people know this movie is a stand alone which means that it does actually have anything to do with the main storyline. I would recommend this to ANY Rurouni Kenshin fan or just an anime fan.

"Good movie, Bad English dubbing."
I thought the movie was really good.I mean,it had everything I loved from the show.It didn't however,have the same English voice actors.I know almost everyone loves watching anime in the original Japanese. I dont like reading the subtitles,not because I'm lazy, but because it draws me away from whats going on.I did watch this one in the original form because it was so terrible.I would have given it a 4.5 star rating , but I cant.Well thats my opinion I hope someone will agree w/ me.

"Fast-paced samurai action..and drama"
The Samurai X Motion Picture basically continues from where the Rurouni Kenshin series ended. Kenshin, Kaoru, Sano, and Yahiko travel to Yokohama for a vacation and spot a raid of drunk sailors, which comes the entrance of a new character, Shigure Takimi. Takimi befriends with Kenshin and begins to trust him, little does he know that Kenshin was the one who killed Shigure's friend, Gentatsu Takatski.

Meanwhile, Shigure leads a tribe of warriors who took part in a war in the time of the Tokugawa Shogunate. He and the warriors plan to attack and destroy the british commander who started it all. But Kenshin comes in to stop Shigure's plans, who soon finds out that Kenshin killed Gentatsu. Shigure's plan fails, but his new goal is to kill Kenshin. (Can't tell you what happens after that, spoiled)

This movie is rated..somewhere over the ages 13 mainly for the violence and the really odd colored blood in the beginning.

"great movie"
This movie is about a man who wants to return the old times of samurais to the present and also keeps remembering the death of a friend and he wants to avenge it,and how he was doing it by fighting and killing the english goverment,until Rurouni Kenshin comes and tries to stop him without violence,but the man remembered that it was him the one who killed his friend and they battle.At the end he dies and the movies ends and Kenshin and his friends go to another place.

"Just plane 50/50"
This movie is really base on the Rurouni Kenshin series. What I hate about this movie is their were different english dub voice actors then the one's that do the series on CT. I hated the widescreen on this movie, the animation is not even all that great like the Rurouni Kenshin series is. I hated when Kaour slap Yahiko just because he ran off to go train at a better ninja school he had hope's to becoming a soilder and she was just jealous. The only part I like that was my favorite in this movie was when on the dvd I click on blood bath and it was a war going on between the Japanese and the English it last a pretty good while that part is the only reason why I would watch this movie. The english dub is pitful and 3rd grader can do better then these guys.

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