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Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust
Directors: Tai Kit Mak, Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Number of Items: 1
Picture Format: Anamorphic Widescreen
Format: Color, Closed-captioned, Widescreen, Dolby
Audience Rating: R (Restricted)
Running Time: 106 minutes
Studio: Urban Vision Enterta
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Region Code: 1
Product Group: DVD
Release Date: 2002-02-12

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"I am a Dunpeal. I don't get to have a life."
I can say without I doubt that "Bloodlust" is absolutely the greatest piece of animated cinema I've ever seen. Every single detail is painstakingly thought out, from the boldest contrasts of light and shadow to the tiniest cracks in stone. In my opinion, this movie isn't just another slice of authentic Japanese anime: it is an epic dessert for the senses. Even though "Bloodlust" is technically the SECOND movie about Vampire Hunter D, it's grand visual scale easily stands on its own. The movie's story is constructed in such a manner that the Dunpeal Hunter is properly introduced to audiences for the very first time. And even though "Bloodlust" is mainly a part of the horror/action genre, the film's twisting plotline carefully juxtaposes elements of Science Fiction, Romance, and even American Westerns.
Set in the 22nd century, D is paid $20 million to rescue a young woman named Charlotte, who was snatched from her bedroom one night by a powerful vampire aristocrat named Meier Link. Dunpeal is a half-human, half-vampire who chose to resist his hunger for blood, and to dedicate his eternal life to killing all pure vampires (all the while dodging relentless persecution by the human race). Calm, silent and stolid, D is willing to travel to the ends of the earth to fulfill his duty; his presence is that of a compassionate yet terrifying knight on a black horse. Meanwhile, the Markus Brothers (a team of heavily armed Bounty Hunters) are competiting against D for the same exact prize. Among them is Leila, a strong and vengeful woman who dedicates her life to assasinating bloodsuckers (after her parents were tragically murdered by vampires years ago). Later on, it's learned that Meier Link and Charlotte are actually in love with one another, and that the two are unknowing pawns in an elaborate scheme orchestrated by Carmilla, the Bloody Countess.
What really makes "Bloodlust" stand out is its ability to breathe new life to the now exhausted cliches of all Vampire films. Despite being set in the distant future, numerous characters and elements are drawn from ancient folklore: Dunpeal himself is believed to be the only son of Bram Stoker's Dracula and Mina. The Markus Brothers' advanced weapons include silver arrows, pinwheel blades that accurately decapitate zombies, and a gigantic wooden stake mounted on the end of a hammer. Even the wickedly vain Carmilla was heavily inspired by Elizabeth Bethory, a real 17th century Countess who butchered 600 young girls and bathed in their blood to preserve her youthful complexion. Best of all, this particular film is designed to make viewers ask themselves some questions: Who are the real monsters? Are the vampires to blame because of their voracious appetite for people's blood? Or what about the human race for its willingness to kill what it doesn't understand?

I can only sum up this movie in one word...WOW

"Shadows review"
I realy liked this movie and its this show that got me into anime.The reason I liked this movie is becouse of the depthful plot and the drop dead gorgouse action scenes.The reason why it is rated R is becouse it has

alot of gore (but not nearly as much as the original),it has some foul language but nothing you would'nt hear in PG-13 movie'.It has no nudity(the original has 2 brief nude scenes).If you like action I would also recomend AKIRA,Cowboy bebop the series and movie,Samourai X,Ghosts in the shell, and Outlaw star.

"The BEST vampire (anime) movie ever !"
A few words just to say that this movie is absolutely great.
The images you'll see will blow your mind... and the inital sequence (when Maier Link steals the girl) will take your breath away... NO DOUBT !!.
If you are a Vampire fan... BUY IT NOW.
If you are not, make yourself a favour and check it out.

"An excellent Gothic anime."
"D" is looking very fine, and still dignified and regal. The colours and animation are brilliant, superb. The characters are all very interesting, three-dimensional.

I especially loved the ending, with the "Bloody Countess" (Countess Bathory I presume?). What a beautiful sight her castle is. I loved everything about the film, actually, from beginning to end.

I do not know why others claimed that this anime is too violent and "bloody." To be honest, the first Vampire Hunter D was much more bloody and disgusting in certain scenes. The violence in this one was much more implied in various ways, and the only real violence is seen in the beheading and killing of the zombies in the first few minutes of the film, otherwise, it isn't as violent as any other normal Hollywood film!

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